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JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. - Florida Company Profile

Company Details

Entity Name: JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A.
Jurisdiction: FLORIDA
Filing Type: Florida Profit Corporation

JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. is structured as a Profit Corporation, also known as a C-Corporation, a business structure recognized as a separate legal entity from its owners. This structure offers the benefit of potential tax advantages and ease of raising capital through the issuance of stock.
In Florida, Profit Corporations are governed by Title XXXVI, Chapter 607, Florida Statutes – Florida Business Corporation Act

Status: Active

The business entity is active. This status indicates that the business is currently operating and compliant with state regulations, suggesting a lower risk profile for lenders and potentially better creditworthiness.

Date Filed: 19 Oct 1992 (32 years ago)
Event Date Filed: 04 Nov 2024 (4 months ago)
Document Number: V73341
FEI/EIN Number 59-3145711

Federal Employer Identification (FEI) Number assigned by the IRS.

Mail Address: 3308 SE 17th Court, OCALA, FL 34471
Address: 2300 SE 17TH STREET, SUITE 500, OCALA, FL 34471-9139
Place of Formation: FLORIDA

form 5500

Plan Name Plan Year EIN/PN Received Sponsor Total number of participants
JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. 401(K) PROFIT SHARING PLAN 2019 593145711 2020-03-20 JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. 13
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 1993-10-31
Business code 621111
Sponsor’s telephone number 3528670444
Plan sponsor’s address 2300 SE 17TH STREET, SUITE 500, OCALA, FL, 344719139

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2020-03-20
Name of individual signing JAMES B. DUKE
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. 401(K) PROFIT SHARING PLAN 2018 593145711 2019-06-04 JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. 14
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 1993-10-31
Business code 621111
Sponsor’s telephone number 3528670444
Plan sponsor’s address 2300 SE 17TH STREET, SUITE 500, OCALA, FL, 344719139

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2019-06-04
Name of individual signing JAMES B. DUKE
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. 401(K) PROFIT SHARING PLAN 2017 593145711 2018-05-02 JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. 13
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 1993-10-31
Business code 621111
Sponsor’s telephone number 3528670444
Plan sponsor’s address 2300 SE 17TH STREET, SUITE 500, OCALA, FL, 344719139

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2018-05-02
Name of individual signing JAMES B. DUKE
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. 401(K) PROFIT SHARING PLAN 2016 593145711 2017-07-24 JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. 14
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 1993-10-31
Business code 621111
Sponsor’s telephone number 3528670444
Plan sponsor’s address 2300 SE 17TH STREET, SUITE 500, OCALA, FL, 344719139

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2017-07-24
Name of individual signing JAMES B. DUKE
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. 401(K) PROFIT SHARING PLAN 2015 593145711 2016-07-12 JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. 14
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 1993-10-31
Business code 621111
Sponsor’s telephone number 3528670444
Plan sponsor’s address 2300 SE 17TH STREET, SUITE 500, OCALA, FL, 344719139

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2016-07-12
Name of individual signing JAMES B. DUKE
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. 401(K) PROFIT SHARING PLAN 2014 593145711 2015-10-02 JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. 13
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 1993-10-31
Business code 621111
Sponsor’s telephone number 3528670444
Plan sponsor’s address 2300 SE 17TH STREET, SUITE 500, OCALA, FL, 344719139

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2015-10-02
Name of individual signing JAMES B. DUKE
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. 401(K) PROFIT SHARING PLAN 2013 593145711 2014-05-14 JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. 11
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 1993-10-31
Business code 621111
Sponsor’s telephone number 3528670444
Plan sponsor’s address 2300 SE 17TH STREET, SUITE 500, OCALA, FL, 344719139

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2014-05-14
Name of individual signing JAMES B. DUKE
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. 401(K) PROFIT SHARING PLAN 2012 593145711 2013-04-19 JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. 16
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 1993-10-31
Business code 621111
Sponsor’s telephone number 3528670444
Plan sponsor’s address 2300 SE 17TH STREET, SUITE 500, OCALA, FL, 344719139

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 593145711
Plan administrator’s name JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A.
Plan administrator’s address 2300 SE 17TH STREET, SUITE 500, OCALA, FL, 344719139
Administrator’s telephone number 3528670444

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2013-04-19
Name of individual signing JAMES B. DUKE
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. 401(K) PROFIT SHARING PLAN 2011 593145711 2012-04-24 JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. 16
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 1993-10-31
Business code 621111
Sponsor’s telephone number 3528670444
Plan sponsor’s address 2300 SE 17TH STREET, SUITE 500, OCALA, FL, 344719139

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 593145711
Plan administrator’s name JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A.
Plan administrator’s address 2300 SE 17TH STREET, SUITE 500, OCALA, FL, 344719139
Administrator’s telephone number 3528670444

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2012-04-24
Name of individual signing JAMES B. DUKE
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. 401(K) PROFIT SHARING PLAN 2010 593145711 2011-06-08 JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A. 18
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 1993-10-31
Business code 621111
Sponsor’s telephone number 3528670444
Plan sponsor’s address 2300 SE 17TH STREET, SUITE 500, OCALA, FL, 344719139

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 593145711
Plan administrator’s name JAMES B. DUKE, M.D., P.A.
Plan administrator’s address 2300 SE 17TH STREET, SUITE 500, OCALA, FL, 344719139
Administrator’s telephone number 3528670444

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2011-06-08
Name of individual signing JAMES B. DUKE
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature

Key Officers & Management

Name Role Address
DUKE, JAMES B Agent 2300 SE 17TH STREET, SUITE 500, OCALA, FL 34471-9139
DUKE, JAMES BMD Director 2300 SE 17TH STREET, SUITE 500, OCALA, FL 34471-9139
DUKE, JAMES BMD President 2300 SE 17TH STREET, SUITE 500, OCALA, FL 34471-9139
Duke, Pam Director 3308 SE 17th Court, OCALA, FL 34471


Event Type Filed Date Value Description
REINSTATEMENT 2024-11-04 - -
REINSTATEMENT 2023-08-02 - -
CHANGE OF MAILING ADDRESS 2023-08-02 2300 SE 17TH STREET, SUITE 500, OCALA, FL 34471-9139 -
CHANGE OF PRINCIPAL ADDRESS 2010-02-03 2300 SE 17TH STREET, SUITE 500, OCALA, FL 34471-9139 -


Name Date
ANNUAL REPORT 2020-07-30
ANNUAL REPORT 2019-03-25
ANNUAL REPORT 2018-02-06
ANNUAL REPORT 2017-03-07
ANNUAL REPORT 2016-03-07
ANNUAL REPORT 2015-03-16
ANNUAL REPORT 2014-04-01
ANNUAL REPORT 2013-04-04

Date of last update: 03 Feb 2025

Sources: Florida Department of State