Problem with a company's investigation into an existing issue
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Tags |
Issue |
Problem with a company's investigation into an existing issue
Timely |
Company |
General Information Services, Inc
Product |
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue |
Was not notified of investigation status or results
Sub Product |
Other personal consumer report
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent not provided
Incorrect information on your report
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Issue |
Incorrect information on your report
Timely |
Company |
General Information Services, Inc
Product |
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue |
Old information reappears or never goes away
Sub Product |
Other personal consumer report
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint
Complaint What Happened |
Hi, i had two police traffict tickets for XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX : the first ticket was inXX/XX/XXXX or XX/XX/XXXX and the second police ticket was at the end of XX/XX/XXXX or beggining of XX/XX/XXXX. Now i received a letter from the company i applyed to work with that my criminal record it is still available or funtioning from XX/XX/XXXX until XX/XX/XXXX and the criminal report does not specify that was a XXXX or XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. The job fair that i attended was organized by the career source of XXXX XXXX where i was attending since XX/XX/XXXX because i am receiving economy monetary support of XXXX dollars monthly, but had many bad experiences while speaking with the persons that work at this office call : the career source of XXXX XXXX locate in the city of XXXX. My first infraction ticket was in XXXX XXXX, XXXX, in XX/XX/XXXX or XX/XX/XXXX and the second ticket was in XXXX, XXXX. And in the paper report says that both tickets are name as XXXX and XXXX. I think that one of the tickets was a XXXX and not a XXXX. If you can help me with this criminal recorf that i have that i was denied employment offering by the XXXX XXXX XXXX and the work interview was inside of one of the offices of the career source of XXXX XXXX that are suppuso to help you find work but in my personal opinion it is a waste of time because they let private companies do whateber they want with persons trying to find a stable work. Thank you for reading my letter and personal concern.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Incorrect information on your report
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Issue |
Incorrect information on your report
Timely |
Company |
General Information Services, Inc
Product |
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue |
Personal information incorrect
Sub Product |
Other personal consumer report
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened |
I received from the company GIS a copy of a background check made on behalf of XXXX XXXX XXXX.
They stated in the report with this words, a issue o authenticity of my social security. " XXX-xxx-xxxx May have a issued as part of the SSA Randomization program. Please work with candidate to validate Authenticity '' As per our conversation they GIS and XXXX XXXX XXXX wanted me to send them my SS card to prove its authenticity. Because the report issuer its supposed to find the right information before issue any report, I denied to send them the requested SS card.
I dispute the issue asking them to go to the proper authorities to validate the authenticity of the document. Adding to them the following, that if something is wrong with the card, I would not be the correct source to provided such a sensitive information.
They close the dispute and nothing was resolved.
I call them so many times and they said that it was close and period.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Improper use of your report
Credit reporting or other personal consumer reports
Issue |
Improper use of your report
Timely |
Company |
General Information Services, Inc
Product |
Credit reporting or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue |
Reporting company used your report improperly
Sub Product |
Credit reporting
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent not provided
Incorrect information on your report
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Issue |
Incorrect information on your report
Timely |
Company |
General Information Services, Inc
Product |
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue |
Information is incorrect
Sub Product |
Other personal consumer report
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent not provided
Incorrect information on your report
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Tags |
Issue |
Incorrect information on your report
Timely |
Company |
General Information Services, Inc
Product |
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue |
Public record information inaccurate
Sub Product |
Other personal consumer report
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes complaint caused principally by actions of third party outside the control or direction of the company
Complaint What Happened |
I am trying to get a job at XXXX and they recently pulled a Motor Vehicle Report on me which I have approved of. The report is stating my licence was revoked/suspended. Neither one is true. I XXXX XXXX to XXXX from XXXX back in 2014. My vehicle was in transit by a boat through the military. When I got to XXXX I was told I had to drop XXXX insurance and get XXXX plates and insurance. I remained with XXXX XXXX XXXX the whole time. I am not sure why this is being reported. It is very inaccurate information and this inaccurate information could cause me to not get a job I am currently seeking.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Improper use of your report
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Tags |
Issue |
Improper use of your report
Timely |
Company |
General Information Services, Inc
Product |
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue |
Reporting company used your report improperly
Sub Product |
Other personal consumer report
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened |
Was offered a position by insurance offices of XXXX On XX/XX/XXXX. Was sent a request for background screening authorization, potential employer requested I sign an authorization for consumer background check. However the 3rd party company listed was accufacts. After a week, I contacted accufacts who stated they had no relationship with XXXX, and after a search on the internet found out this company was used. GIS did not contact to get my consent for background screening.
What is worse the former potential employer has escalated a series of adverse actions based on this report. Contacted this agency who has apparently been working on the report since XX/XX/XXXX. Start date pushed back twice, so I escalated my concern to a supervisor named XXXX in XXXX who committed to sending the report to XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX. That did not happen. The employer sent threat disguised as an offer letter stating that I would be released based on the approval of a background check. 16 days. It presented an unacceptable hiring condition cost me my employer, and have now contacted an attorney to see how to protect my rights.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Unable to get your credit report or credit score
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Tags |
Issue |
Unable to get your credit report or credit score
Timely |
Company |
General Information Services, Inc
Product |
Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue |
Problem getting your free annual credit report
Sub Product |
Credit reporting
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent not provided
Incorrect information on credit report
Credit reporting
Issue |
Incorrect information on credit report
Timely |
Company |
General Information Services, Inc
Product |
Credit reporting
Sub Issue |
Information is not mine
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent not provided