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Company Details

Entity Name: ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A.
Jurisdiction: FLORIDA
Filing Type: Domestic Profit
Status: Active
Date Filed: 17 Nov 1999 (25 years ago)
Document Number: P99000100542
FEI/EIN Number 650962995
Address: 1551 Sawgrass Corprate parkway, SUITE 410, Sunrise, FL, 33323, US
Mail Address: P.O. BOX 5267, LIGHTHOUSE POINT, FL, 33074, US
ZIP code: 33323
County: Broward
Place of Formation: FLORIDA

form 5500

Plan Name Plan Year EIN/PN Received Sponsor Total number of participants
ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A. 401(K)PLAN 2020 650962995 2021-10-08 ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A 3
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 002
Effective date of plan 2005-01-01
Business code 621111
Sponsor’s telephone number 9547847987
Plan sponsor’s address P.O. BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 650962995
Plan administrator’s name ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A
Plan administrator’s address P.O. BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074
Administrator’s telephone number 9547847987
ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A. 401(K)PLAN 2019 650962995 2020-10-13 ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A 3
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 002
Effective date of plan 2005-01-01
Business code 621111
Sponsor’s telephone number 9547847987
Plan sponsor’s address P.O. BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 650962995
Plan administrator’s name ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A
Plan administrator’s address P.O. BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074
Administrator’s telephone number 9547847987
ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A. 401(K)PLAN 2018 650962995 2019-10-07 ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A 3
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 002
Effective date of plan 2005-01-01
Business code 621111
Sponsor’s telephone number 9547847987
Plan sponsor’s address P.O. BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 650962995
Plan administrator’s name ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A
Plan administrator’s address P.O. BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074
Administrator’s telephone number 9547847987

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2019-10-07
Name of individual signing ROSS URWIN
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A. 401(K)PLAN 2017 650962995 2018-10-08 ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A 3
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 002
Effective date of plan 2005-01-01
Business code 621111
Sponsor’s telephone number 9547847987
Plan sponsor’s address P.O. BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 650962995
Plan administrator’s name ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A
Plan administrator’s address P.O. BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074
Administrator’s telephone number 9547847987

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2018-10-08
Name of individual signing ROSS URWIN
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A. 401(K)PLAN 2016 650962995 2017-10-30 ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A 4
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 002
Effective date of plan 2005-01-01
Business code 621111
Sponsor’s telephone number 9547847987
Plan sponsor’s address P.O. BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 650962995
Plan administrator’s name ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A
Plan administrator’s address P.O. BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074
Administrator’s telephone number 9547847987

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2017-10-30
Name of individual signing ROSS URWIN
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A. 401(K)PLAN 2015 650962995 2016-10-13 ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A 4
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 002
Effective date of plan 2005-01-01
Business code 621111
Sponsor’s telephone number 9547847987
Plan sponsor’s address P.O. BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 650962995
Plan administrator’s name ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A
Plan administrator’s address P.O. BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074
Administrator’s telephone number 9547847987

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2016-10-13
Name of individual signing ROSS URWIN
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A. 401(K)PLAN 2014 650962995 2015-09-28 ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A 5
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 002
Effective date of plan 2005-01-01
Business code 621111
Sponsor’s telephone number 9547847987
Plan sponsor’s address P.O. BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 650962995
Plan administrator’s name ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A
Plan administrator’s address P.O. BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074
Administrator’s telephone number 9547847987

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2015-09-28
Name of individual signing ROSS URWIN
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A. 401(K)PLAN 2013 650962995 2014-10-13 ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A 5
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 002
Effective date of plan 2005-01-01
Business code 621111
Sponsor’s telephone number 9547847987
Plan sponsor’s address P.O. BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 650962995
Plan administrator’s name ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A
Plan administrator’s address P.O. BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074
Administrator’s telephone number 9547847987

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2014-10-13
Name of individual signing ROSS URWIN
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A. 401(K)PLAN 2012 650962995 2013-10-07 ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A 5
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 002
Effective date of plan 2005-01-01
Business code 621111
Sponsor’s telephone number 9547847987
Plan sponsor’s address P.O. BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 650962995
Plan administrator’s name ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A
Plan administrator’s address P.O. BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074
Administrator’s telephone number 9547847987

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2013-10-07
Name of individual signing ROSS URWIN
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A. 401(K)PLAN 2011 650962995 2012-10-08 ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A 4
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 002
Effective date of plan 2005-01-01
Business code 621111
Sponsor’s telephone number 9547847987
Plan sponsor’s address P.O. BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 650962995
Plan administrator’s name ROSS URWIN, M.D., P.A
Plan administrator’s address P.O. BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074
Administrator’s telephone number 9547847987

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2012-10-08
Name of individual signing ROSS URWIN
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature


Name Role Address
URWIN ROSS M Agent 1551 Sawgrass Corprate parkway, Sunrise, FL, 33323


Name Role Address
URWIN ROSS W President PO BOX 5267, POMPANO BEACH, FL, 33074

Fictitious Names

Registration Number Fictitious Name Status Filed Date Expiration Date Cancellation Date Mailing Address


Event Type Filed Date Value Description
CHANGE OF PRINCIPAL ADDRESS 2024-04-22 1551 Sawgrass Corprate parkway, SUITE 410, Sunrise, FL 33323 No data
REGISTERED AGENT ADDRESS CHANGED 2024-04-22 1551 Sawgrass Corprate parkway, SUITE 410, Sunrise, FL 33323 No data
CHANGE OF MAILING ADDRESS 2010-08-03 1551 Sawgrass Corprate parkway, SUITE 410, Sunrise, FL 33323 No data


Name Date
ANNUAL REPORT 2024-04-22
ANNUAL REPORT 2023-03-07
ANNUAL REPORT 2022-04-05
ANNUAL REPORT 2021-03-26
ANNUAL REPORT 2020-01-20
ANNUAL REPORT 2019-04-28
ANNUAL REPORT 2018-02-01
ANNUAL REPORT 2017-02-19
ANNUAL REPORT 2016-01-31
ANNUAL REPORT 2015-07-13

Date of last update: 01 Feb 2025

Sources: Florida Department of State