Inspection Type |
Scope |
Safety/Health |
Close Conference |
Emphasis |
Case Closed |
Related Activity
Type |
Referral |
Activity Nr |
1045714 |
Health |
Yes |
Type |
Inspection |
Activity Nr |
1111131 |
Safety |
Yes |
Violation Items
Citation ID |
01001 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100107 B05 I |
Issuance Date |
2016-02-29 |
Abatement Due Date |
2016-07-03 |
Current Penalty |
1600.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1600.0 |
Final Order |
2016-04-26 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.107(b)(5)(i): The spraying operations was not designed, installed or maintained that the average air velocity over the open face of the booth (or booth cross section during spraying operations) shall be not less than 100 linear feet per minute. a. On or about December 16, 2015, in the Spray Booth, the spraying operation was not maintained such that the average air velocity over the booth cross section was maintained at least 100 linear feet per minute. |
Citation ID |
01002 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100107 E02 |
Issuance Date |
2016-02-29 |
Current Penalty |
1600.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1600.0 |
Final Order |
2016-04-26 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.107(e)(2): The quantity of flammable or combustible liquids kept in the vicinity of spraying operations were not at a minimum required for operations or they exceeded a supply for one day or one shift. a. On or about December, 16, 2015, in the Spray Booth, more than ten 5-gallon containers of flammable chemicals were stored inside the booth which exceeded the quantity required for one day and/or one shift, exposing employees to potential fire hazards. |
Citation ID |
01003 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100242 B |
Issuance Date |
2016-02-29 |
Abatement Due Date |
2016-03-24 |
Current Penalty |
640.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1600.0 |
Final Order |
2016-04-26 |
Nr Instances |
3 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.242(b): Compressed air used for cleaning purposes was not reduced to less than 30 p.s.i.: a. On or about December 16, 2015, in the Spray Booth, the air nozzle used for removing dust from cabinets was operated at a pressure which exceeded 100 p.s.i. b. On or about December 16, 2015, in the Sealer Booth, the air nozzle used for cleaning dust on wooden cabinets was operated at 57 p.s.i. c. On or about December 16, 2015, in the Milling Area, the air nozzle used for blowing out dust on an employee's clothing was operated at 86 p.s.i. |
Citation ID |
01004A |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19101200 E01 |
Issuance Date |
2016-02-29 |
Abatement Due Date |
2016-07-03 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1600.0 |
Final Order |
2016-04-26 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
3 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.1200(e)(1): The employer did not develop, implement, and/or maintain at the workplace a written hazard communication program which describes how the criteria specified in 29 CFR 1910.1200(f), (g), and (h) will be met: a. On or about December 16, 2015, the employer did not implement or maintain a hazard communication program for employees using chemicals such as but limited to lacquer, primer, mineral spirits, and lacquer thinner. |
Citation ID |
01004B |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19101200 H01 |
Issuance Date |
2016-02-29 |
Abatement Due Date |
2016-07-03 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2016-04-26 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
3 |
Gravity |
1 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.1200(h)(1): Employees were not provided effective information and training on hazardous chemicals in their work area at the time of their initial assignment and whenever a new hazard that the employees had not been previously trained about was introduced into their work area: a. On or about December 16, 2015, in the Spray Booth and Sealer Booth, employees used chemicals such as, but not limited to lacquer, primer, mineral spirits, and lacquer thinner and the employer had not provided training on the health and physical hazards associated with these chemicals. |
Citation ID |
01004C |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19101200 H03 IV |
Issuance Date |
2016-02-29 |
Abatement Due Date |
2016-07-03 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2016-04-26 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
3 |
Gravity |
1 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.1200(h)(3)(iv): Employees had not been provided with GHS 2012 training including an explanation of the labels received on shipped containers and the workplace labeling system to be used by their employer; the safety data sheet, including the order of information, and how employees can obtain and use the appropriate hazard information: a. On or about December 16, 2015, the employer did not provide the information and training on the new label elements and the new Safety Data Sheet format to employees who had exposure to hazardous materials such as but not limited to lacquer, primer, mineral spirits, and lacquer thinner. |
Citation ID |
02001 |
Citaton Type |
Other |
Standard Cited |
19100134 C02 |
Issuance Date |
2016-02-29 |
Abatement Due Date |
2016-07-03 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2016-04-26 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Related Event Code (REC) |
Referral |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.134(c)(2): The employer did not develop and implement a respiratory protection program in accordance with sections i and ii of this paragraph (c)(2) for employees who chose to wear respirators where respirator use was not required: a. On or about December 16, 2015, employer allowed employees to use a Binks half face air purifying respirator while performed spray painting activities on a voluntary basis at the spray booth and the employer had not implemented those elements which were described in a written respiratory protection program that addressed the worksite-specific procedures. |
Inspection Type |
Scope |
Safety/Health |
Close Conference |
Emphasis |
Case Closed |
Related Activity
Type |
Referral |
Activity Nr |
1045714 |
Health |
Yes |
Type |
Inspection |
Activity Nr |
1112591 |
Health |
Yes |
Violation Items
Citation ID |
01001A |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100213 C01 |
Issuance Date |
2015-12-22 |
Current Penalty |
960.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1600.0 |
Final Order |
2016-01-06 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
5 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.213(c)(1): Circular hand-fed ripsaw(s) were not guarded by an automatically adjusting hood, which completely enclosed that portion of the saw above the table and above the material being cut: a. On December 10, 2015, in the shop, the Delta Rockwell 10-inch table saw did not have a guard, exposing employees to an amputation hazard. |
Citation ID |
01001B |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100213 C02 |
Issuance Date |
2015-12-22 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2016-01-06 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
5 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.213(c)(2): Each hand-fed circular ripsaw was not furnished with a spreader to prevent material from squeezing the saw of being thrown back on the operator: a. On December 10, 2015, in the shop, the Delta Rockwell 10-inch table saw did not have a spreader, exposing employees to the hazard of being struck by debris. |
Citation ID |
01001C |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100213 C03 |
Issuance Date |
2015-12-22 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2016-01-06 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
5 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.213(c)(3): Handfed ripsaw(s) did not have non kickback fingers or dogs so located as to oppose the thrust or tendency of the saw to pick up the material or to throw it back toward the operator: a. On December 10, 2015, in the shop, the Delta Rockwell 10-inch table saw did not have non kickback fingers, exposing employees to the hazard of being struck by debris. |
Citation ID |
01002 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100213 H04 |
Issuance Date |
2015-12-22 |
Current Penalty |
960.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1600.0 |
Final Order |
2016-01-06 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.213(h)(4): Installation was not in such a manner that the front end of the unit was higher than the rear, so as to cause the cutting head to return gently to the starting position when released by the operator: a. On December 10, 2015, in the shop, the Black and Decker radial arm saw did not automatically return to the stop position. |
Citation ID |
01003A |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100215 A02 |
Issuance Date |
2015-12-22 |
Current Penalty |
960.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1600.0 |
Final Order |
2016-01-06 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.215(a)(2): Abrasive wheel(s) used on grinding machinery were not provided with safety guard(s) which covered the spindle end, nut, flange projections: a. On December 10, 2015, in the shop, the Dayton 8-inch grinder did not have the spindle end guard in place. |
Citation ID |
01003B |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100215 B09 |
Issuance Date |
2015-12-22 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2016-01-06 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.215(b)(9): The distance between the abrasive wheel periphery(s) and the adjustable tongue or the end of the safety guard peripheral member at the top exceeded one fourth inch: a. On December 10, 2015, in the shop, the tongue guard on the Dayton 8-inch grinder had a 1 inch opening, exposing employees to a struck by hazard. |
Citation ID |
02001 |
Citaton Type |
Other |
Standard Cited |
19100036 C01 |
Issuance Date |
2015-12-22 |
Abatement Due Date |
2016-02-29 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2016-01-06 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
12 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.36(c)(1): Each exit discharge did not lead directly outside or to a street, walkway, refuge area, public way, or open space with access to the outside: a. On December 10, 2015, the exit on the east side of the shop had a pond within 5 feet of the building which did not allow enough space for a safe evacuation. |
Inspection Type |
Scope |
Safety/Health |
Emphasis |
Case Closed |
Inspection Type |
Scope |
Safety/Health |
Close Conference |
Emphasis |
Case Closed |
Violation Items
Citation ID |
01001 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100213 B03 |
Issuance Date |
2004-03-18 |
Abatement Due Date |
2004-03-30 |
Current Penalty |
265.0 |
Initial Penalty |
375.0 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
03 |
Citation ID |
01002A |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100213 C01 |
Issuance Date |
2004-03-18 |
Abatement Due Date |
2004-03-30 |
Current Penalty |
265.0 |
Initial Penalty |
375.0 |
Nr Instances |
2 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
03 |
Citation ID |
01002B |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100213 C02 |
Issuance Date |
2004-03-18 |
Abatement Due Date |
2004-03-30 |
Nr Instances |
2 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
03 |
Citation ID |
01002C |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100213 C03 |
Issuance Date |
2004-03-18 |
Abatement Due Date |
2004-03-30 |
Nr Instances |
2 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
03 |
Citation ID |
01003 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100213 H01 |
Issuance Date |
2004-03-18 |
Abatement Due Date |
2004-03-30 |
Current Penalty |
265.0 |
Initial Penalty |
375.0 |
Nr Instances |
2 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
03 |
Inspection Type |
Scope |
Safety/Health |
Close Conference |
Case Closed |
Violation Items
Citation ID |
01001A |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100107 B05 I |
Issuance Date |
1995-01-30 |
Abatement Due Date |
1995-04-03 |
Current Penalty |
225.0 |
Initial Penalty |
225.0 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
01 |
Citation ID |
01001B |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100107 B05 IV |
Issuance Date |
1995-01-30 |
Abatement Due Date |
1995-04-03 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
01 |
Citation ID |
01001C |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100107 C06 |
Issuance Date |
1995-01-30 |
Abatement Due Date |
1995-04-03 |
Nr Instances |
2 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
01 |
Citation ID |
01001D |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100107 E02 |
Issuance Date |
1995-01-30 |
Abatement Due Date |
1995-04-03 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
01 |
Citation ID |
01002 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100151 C |
Issuance Date |
1995-01-30 |
Abatement Due Date |
1995-04-03 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
01 |
Citation ID |
02001 |
Citaton Type |
Other |
Standard Cited |
19100095 C01 |
Issuance Date |
1995-01-30 |
Abatement Due Date |
1995-04-03 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
12 |
Gravity |
00 |
Citation ID |
02002 |
Citaton Type |
Other |
Standard Cited |
19100134 B01 |
Issuance Date |
1995-01-30 |
Abatement Due Date |
1995-03-04 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
12 |
Gravity |
00 |
Citation ID |
02003A |
Citaton Type |
Other |
Standard Cited |
19101200 E01 |
Issuance Date |
1995-01-30 |
Abatement Due Date |
1995-03-04 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
12 |
Gravity |
00 |
Citation ID |
02003B |
Citaton Type |
Other |
Standard Cited |
19101200 H03 IV |
Issuance Date |
1995-01-30 |
Abatement Due Date |
1995-03-04 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
12 |
Gravity |
00 |