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Company Details

Entity Name: A1 ASSETS INC.
Jurisdiction: FLORIDA
Filing Type: Domestic Profit
Status: Active
Date Filed: 07 Dec 2006 (18 years ago)
Event Date Filed: 10 Jun 2019 (6 years ago)
Document Number: P06000151096
FEI/EIN Number 208045297
Address: 2452 LAKE EMMA ROAD,, SUITE 1010, LAKE MARY, FL, 32746, US
Mail Address: 2452 LAKE EMMA ROAD,, SUITE 1010, LAKE MARY, FL, 32746, US
ZIP code: 32746
County: Seminole
Place of Formation: FLORIDA

Links between entities

Type Company Name Company Number State
Headquarter of A1 ASSETS INC., ALABAMA 000-589-594 ALABAMA

form 5500

Plan Name Plan Year EIN/PN Received Sponsor Total number of participants
A1 ASSETS 401(K) PLAN 2023 208045297 2024-07-22 A1 ASSETS INC. 218
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2022-01-01
Business code 423930
Sponsor’s telephone number 4073397030
Plan sponsor’s address 2452 LAKE EMMA RD, SUITE 1010, LAKE MARY, FL, 32746

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2024-07-22
Name of individual signing CHRIS HORNE
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
A1 ASSETS 401(K) PLAN 2022 208045297 2023-07-17 A1 ASSETS INC. 23
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2022-01-01
Business code 423930
Sponsor’s telephone number 4073397030
Plan sponsor’s address 2452 LAKE EMMA RD, SUITE 1010, LAKE MARY, FL, 32746

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2023-07-17
Name of individual signing CHRIS HORNE
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature


Name Role

Chief Executive Officer

Name Role Address
De Melo Anderson Chief Executive Officer 2452 Lake Emma Road, Lake Mary, FL, 32746

Fictitious Names

Registration Number Fictitious Name Status Filed Date Expiration Date Cancellation Date Mailing Address
G23000104325 IRENEWUSA ACTIVE 2023-09-04 2028-12-31 No data 2452 LAKE EMMA RD, SUITE 1010, LAKE MARY, FL, 32746
G23000088457 IRENEW ACTIVE 2023-07-28 2028-12-31 No data 2452 LAKE EMMA RD, SUITE 1010, LAKE MARY, FL, 32746
G21000170618 A1 CONSULTING AND AUDITING ACTIVE 2021-12-23 2026-12-31 No data 2452 LAKE EMMA ROAD, SUITE 1010, LAKE MARY, FL, 32746
G17000018180 TECHNOLOGY SURPLUS DEPOT ACTIVE 2017-02-18 2027-12-31 No data 2452 LAKE EMMA ROAD, SUITE 1010, LAKE MARY, FL, 32746
G12000100275 REFRESH TELECOM EXPIRED 2012-10-15 2017-12-31 No data 1100 CHARLES STREET, LONGWOOD, FL, 32750
G12000084508 REFRESHPBX EXPIRED 2012-08-27 2017-12-31 No data 1100 CHARLES STREET, LONGWOOD, FL, 32750
G12000019550 REFRESHPBX EXPIRED 2012-02-25 2017-12-31 No data 1100 CHARLES STREET, LONGWOOD, FL, 32750
G09076900432 A1 ASSETS DISTRIBUTION EXPIRED 2009-03-17 2014-12-31 No data 215 PINEDA STREET, UNIT 165, LONGWOOD, FL, 32750
G08022900082 REFRESH COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS EXPIRED 2008-01-21 2013-12-31 No data A1 ASSETS, INC, 215 PINEDA STREET UNIT 165, LONGWOOD, FL, 32750


Event Type Filed Date Value Description
REGISTERED AGENT NAME CHANGED 2024-03-01 Medeiros Souza Corp No data
REGISTERED AGENT ADDRESS CHANGED 2024-03-01 1711 Amazing Way, Suite 213, Ocoee, FL 34761 No data
AMENDMENT 2019-06-10 No data No data


Name Date
ANNUAL REPORT 2024-03-01
ANNUAL REPORT 2023-01-05
ANNUAL REPORT 2022-02-05
ANNUAL REPORT 2021-01-25
ANNUAL REPORT 2020-02-07
Amendment 2019-06-10
ANNUAL REPORT 2019-02-05
ANNUAL REPORT 2018-01-12
ANNUAL REPORT 2017-01-06

OSHA's Inspections within Industry

Inspection Nr Report ID Date Opened Site Address
344080411 0420600 2019-06-13 2452 LAKE EMMA ROAD SUITE 1010, LAKE MARY, FL, 32746
Inspection Type Complaint
Scope Partial
Safety/Health Health
Close Conference 2019-11-15
Emphasis N: LEAD, L: LEAD
Case Closed 2020-04-29

Related Activity

Type Complaint
Activity Nr 1462211
Health Yes

Violation Items

Citation ID 01001A
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19101025 H01
Issuance Date 2019-12-03
Current Penalty 2000.0
Initial Penalty 3978.0
Contest Date 2019-12-31
Final Order 2020-05-18
Nr Instances 2
Nr Exposed 2
Gravity 1
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.1025(h)(1): All surfaces were not maintained as free as practicable of accumulations of lead: a) CRT - The table had 321.7 ug and the floor had 196.3 ug of lead contamination, on or about August 5, 2019.
Citation ID 01001B
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19101025 H02 II
Issuance Date 2019-12-03
Current Penalty 0.0
Initial Penalty 0.0
Contest Date 2019-12-31
Final Order 2020-05-18
Nr Instances 2
Nr Exposed 2
Gravity 1
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.1025(h)(2)(ii): Shoveling, sweeping or brushing methods were used to remove lead accumulations where vacuuming or other equally effective methods were available and feasible: a) CRT - The table had 321.7 ug and the floor had 196.3 ug of lead contamination and were cleaned by dry sweeping, on or about August 5, 2019.
Citation ID 01001C
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19101027 K01
Issuance Date 2019-12-03
Current Penalty 0.0
Initial Penalty 0.0
Contest Date 2019-12-31
Final Order 2020-05-18
Nr Instances 2
Nr Exposed 2
Gravity 1
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.1027(k)(1): Surfaces were not maintained as free as practicable of accumulations of cadmium: a) CRT - The table had 0.705 ug and the floor had 0.396 ug of cadmium contamination, on or about August 5, 2019.
Citation ID 01002A
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19101025 L01 II
Issuance Date 2019-12-03
Current Penalty 2000.0
Initial Penalty 3978.0
Contest Date 2019-12-31
Final Order 2020-05-18
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 2
Gravity 1
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.1025(l)(1)(ii): The employer did not train each employee who is subject to exposure to lead at or above the action level, or for whom the possibility of skin or eye irritation exists, in accordance with the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1025: a) CRT - Employees exposed to lead contamination on their hands were not trained on the hazards of lead and how to minimize exposure, on or about August 5, 2019.
Citation ID 01002B
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19101027 M04 I
Issuance Date 2019-12-03
Current Penalty 0.0
Initial Penalty 0.0
Contest Date 2019-12-31
Final Order 2020-05-18
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 2
Gravity 1
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.1027(m)(4)(i): The employer did not train each employee who is potentially exposed to cadmium: a) CRT - Employees exposed to cadmium contamination on their hands were not trained on the hazards of cadmium and how to minimize exposure, on or about August 5, 2019.

Motor Carrier Census

USDOT Number Carrier Operation MCS-150 Form Date MCS-150 Mileage MCS-150 Year Power Units Drivers Operation Classification
1271419 Intrastate Non-Hazmat 2024-07-30 173608 2023 6 3 Private(Property)
Legal Name A1 ASSETS INC
Physical Address 2452 LAKE EMMA ROAD SUITE 1010, LAKE MARY, FL, 32746, US
Mailing Address 2452 LAKE EMMA ROAD SUITE 1010, LAKE MARY, FL, 32746, US
Phone (407) 339-7030
Fax (407) 749-0787

Safety Measurement System - All Transportation

Total Number of Inspections for the measurement period (24 months) 2
Driver Fitness BASIC Serious Violation Indicator No
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC Acute/Critical Indicator No
Unsafe Driving BASIC Acute/Critical Indicator No
Driver Fitness BASIC Roadside Performance measure value 0
Hours-of-Service (HOS) Compliance BASIC Roadside Performance measure value 0
Total Number of Driver Inspections for the measurment period 2
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC Roadside Performance measure value 2
Total Number of Vehicle Inspections for the measurement period 2
Controlled Substances and Alcohol BASIC Roadside Performance measure value 0
Unsafe Driving BASIC Roadside Performance Measure Value 0
Number of inspections with at least one Driver Fitness BASIC violation 0
Number of inspections with at least one Hours-of-Service BASIC violation 0
Total Number of Driver Inspections containing at least one Driver Out-of-Service Violation 0
Number of inspections with at least one Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violation 2
Total Number of Vehicle Inspections containing at least one Vehicle Out-of-Service violation 0
Number of inspections with at least one Controlled Substances and Alcohol BASIC violation 0
Number of inspections with at least one Unsafe Driving BASIC violation 0


Unique report number of the inspection 3572006021
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from FL
The date of the inspection 2024-02-20
ID that indicates the level of inspection Full
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred FL
Time weight of the inspection 2
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit TRUCK TRACTOR
Description of the make of the main unit STERLING T
License plate of the main unit DFIS41
License state of the main unit FL
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 2FWJA3CV34AM41674
Decal number of the main unit 33641674
Description of the type of the secondary unit SEMI-TRAILER
Description of the make of the secondary unit TRAILMOBIL
License plate of the secondary unit 1303CX
License state of the secondary unit FL
Vehicle Identification Number of the secondary unit 2MN01AAHX81001856
Decal number of the secondary unit 33641675
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 1
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 1
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection 1421001285
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from FL
The date of the inspection 2023-06-08
ID that indicates the level of inspection Walk-around
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred FL
Time weight of the inspection 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit STRAIGHT TRUCK
Description of the make of the main unit PTRB
License plate of the main unit HQLJ88
License state of the main unit FL
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 2NP2HM6X0HM440675
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 1
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 1
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0


The date of the inspection 2024-02-20
Code of the violation 3939ALLPL
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The description of a violation Lighting - License plate lamp inoperative
The description of the violation group Clearance Identification Lamps/Other
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle secondary unit
The date of the inspection 2023-06-08
Code of the violation 3939
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The description of a violation Inoperable Required Lamp
The description of the violation group Clearance Identification Lamps/Other
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit

Date of last update: 02 Feb 2025

Sources: Florida Department of State