Jurisdiction: | FLORIDA |
Filing Type: | Domestic Profit |
Status: | Active |
Date Filed: | 12 Jul 2000 (25 years ago) |
Document Number: | P00000066616 |
FEI/EIN Number | 651028905 |
Mail Address: | 3020 NW 125 AVE, SUNRISE, FL, 33323, US |
Address: | 400 NW 127 AVENUE, SUITE NO. 10, FORT LAUDERDALE, FL, 33325 |
ZIP code: | 33325 |
County: | Broward |
Place of Formation: | FLORIDA |
Name | Role | Address |
MORALES LUZ A | Agent | 3020 NW 125 AVE, SUNRISE, FL, 33323 |
Name | Role | Address |
LANDER RAFAEL | President | 400 NW 127 AV STE #10, PLANTATION, FL, 33325 |
Name | Role | Address |
LANDER RAFAEL | Treasurer | 400 NW 127 AV STE #10, PLANTATION, FL, 33325 |
Name | Role | Address |
MORALES LUZ A | Vice President | 3020 NW 125 AVE, SUNRISE, FL, 33323 |
Name | Role | Address |
MORALES LUZ A | Secretary | 3020 NW 125 AVE, SUNRISE, FL, 33323 |
Date of last update: 02 Jan 2025
Sources: Florida Department of State