Docket Date |
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Subtype |
Description |
Dismissed - Order by Clerk
Docket Date |
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Disposition by Order
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Description |
ORD-Sua Sponte Dismiss-Lack of Prosecution ~ ORDERED sua sponte that the above-styled case is dismissed for lack of prosecution.
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Show Cause re Compliance with Prior Order
Description |
Order to Show Cause-Appeal Dismissal ~ ORDERED that appellant is directed to show cause in writing, if any there be, within ten (10) days from the date of this order, why the above-styled case should not be dismissed or other sanctions imposed for failure to comply with this court's November 1, 2021 order requiring a conformed copy of the order being appealed to be filed with this court. If the order is filed within this ten (10) day period, this order to show cause will be considered automatically discharged without further order.
Docket Date |
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Subtype |
Amended/Additional Filing(s) Needed
Description |
Appellant to File Order Appealed-Civil ~ ORDERED that appellant is directed to file, within ten (10) days from the date of this order, a conformed copy of the order being appealed. See Fla. R. App. P. 9.110(d). This copy must contain a legible stamp from the clerk of the lower tribunal, showing the date and time the order being appealed was filed in that office.
Docket Date |
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Order to File Status Report
Description |
Order for Status Report Re: ROA ~ Upon consideration of the Clerk’s Affidavit filed by the clerk of the lower tribunal on October 8, 2021, appellant is ordered to file a report, within ten (10) days from the date of this order, as to the status of the payment for the record on appeal.
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Misc. Events
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Description |
On Behalf Of |
Clerk - Indian River
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Order on Motion for Reinstatement
Description |
ORD-Reinstatement ~ ORDERED that appellant's September 3, 2021 motion for reinstatement is granted, and the above-styled appeal is reinstated.
Docket Date |
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Post-Disposition Motions
Subtype |
Motion For Reinstatement
Description |
Motion For Reinstatement
On Behalf Of |
Michael Valihora
Docket Date |
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Order Striking Filing
Description |
ORD-Stricken as Unauthorized ~ ORDERED sua sponte that appellant's August 18, 2021 letter is stricken as unauthorized without prejudice to filing a motion to reinstate the appeal and an initial brief which complies with the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure.
Docket Date |
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Misc. Events
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Miscellaneous Docket Entry
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Letter ~ **STRICKEN**
On Behalf Of |
Michael Valihora
Docket Date |
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Dismissed - Order by Clerk ~ **REINSTATED**
Docket Date |
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Disposition by Order
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Description |
ORD-Sua Sponte Dismiss-No Filing Fee ~ **REINSTATED** ORDERED sua sponte that the above-styled appeal is dismissed for non-payment of the $300.00 filing fee.
Docket Date |
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Order Striking Filing
Description |
ORD-Stricken ~ ORDERED that appellant’s August 3, 2021 correspondence is stricken without prejudice to filing an initial brief which complies with the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure.
Docket Date |
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Misc. Events
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Miscellaneous Docket Entry
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Miscellaneous (DNU) ~ **STRICKEN**
On Behalf Of |
Michael Valihora
Docket Date |
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Subtype |
Order on Filing Fee
Description |
ORD-Pay Filing Fee - pro se civil appeal ~ The jurisdiction of this court was invoked by filing of a Notice of Appeal in the lower tribunal. The $300.00 filing fee required by the applicable rule of procedure and Section 35.22(2)(a), Florida Statutes, is due and payable REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE APPEAL IS LATER DISMISSED VOLUNTARILY OR ADVERSELY.ORDERED, appellant shall pay the $300.00 filing fee or file the lower tribunal clerk's determination of indigent status in this court within ten (10) days from the date of the entry of this order. The fee may be paid electronically through the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal – see the court’s website for details. Failure to comply within the time prescribed will result in dismissal of this cause and may result in the court sanctioning of any party, or the party's attorney, who has not paid the filing fee.If appellant has already been found indigent for purposes of proceedings in the lower tribunal, in this case, appellant shall file a copy of that order in this court. If appellant does not have an order or a determination of indigent status and believes that he or she is insolvent, appellant shall complete the enclosed application and mail to the clerk of the lower tribunal within fifteen (15) days from the date of this order. A Notice of Compliance that you have applied for indigent status, must also be filed with this court. The clerk of the lower tribunal shall forward the Clerk's Determination to this court within ten (10) days of receipt. Failure of appellant to comply with this order will result in the dismissal of this appeal.**NOTE: This order does not toll the time for filing any pleadings necessary to prosecute this appeal and no extensions of time will be entertained. Once the fee is paid, it is not refundable. Except for dismissal, this court will take no action in this appeal until the filing fee is paid or until a lower tribunal clerk's determination of indigent status is filed.
Docket Date |
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Acknowledgment Letter
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Acknowledgment Letter
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Subtype |
Notice of Appeal
Description |
Notice of Appeal Filed
On Behalf Of |
Michael Valihora
Docket Date |
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Misc. Events
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Fee Status
Description |
A3:Paid In Full - $300