Inspection Type |
Scope |
Safety/Health |
Close Conference |
Emphasis |
Case Closed |
Related Activity
Type |
Complaint |
Activity Nr |
356446 |
Safety |
Yes |
Violation Items
Citation ID |
01001 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100037 A03 |
Issuance Date |
2012-06-18 |
Abatement Due Date |
2012-06-21 |
Current Penalty |
1000.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1785.0 |
Final Order |
2012-06-28 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
6 |
Gravity |
1 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.37(a)(3): Exit route(s) were not kept free and unobstructed: On May 21, 2012, the area leading to the back exit door was blocked with material such as but not limited to: folding chairs, metal lids, metal cans and black rubber mats. |
Citation ID |
01002 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100151 C |
Issuance Date |
2012-06-18 |
Abatement Due Date |
2012-07-10 |
Current Penalty |
1000.0 |
Initial Penalty |
3570.0 |
Final Order |
2012-06-28 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.151(c): Where employees were exposed to injurious corrosive materials, suitable facilities for quick drenching or flushing of the eyes and body were not provided within the work area for immediate emergency use: a. On or about May 21, 2012, the employer did not provide an eyewash station for employees filling chlorine jugs |
Citation ID |
01003 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100176 A |
Issuance Date |
2012-06-18 |
Abatement Due Date |
2012-06-25 |
Current Penalty |
1000.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1785.0 |
Final Order |
2012-06-28 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Related Event Code (REC) |
Complaint |
Gravity |
1 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.176(a): Where mechanical handling equipment was used, sufficient safe clearances were not allowed for aisles, at loading docks, through doorways or wherever turns or passage had to be made: a. On or about May 21, 2012, in the warehouse area, there were several items blocking the forklifts pathway so employees had to climb over items. The items included pallets of dog food, beach chairs, light fixtures, Bonsus S fertilizer, swings, corn and chlroine. |
Citation ID |
01004 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100305 G01 II |
Issuance Date |
2012-06-18 |
Abatement Due Date |
2012-06-21 |
Current Penalty |
1000.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1785.0 |
Final Order |
2012-06-28 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
6 |
Gravity |
1 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.305(g)(1)(ii): Working space about electrical equipment required by this standard was used for storage: a. On or about May 21, 2012, near back restroom, a green egg table, nylon rope and Penn ear corn were stored in front of the electrical panel. |
Citation ID |
01005A |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19101200 E01 |
Issuance Date |
2012-06-18 |
Abatement Due Date |
2012-07-10 |
Current Penalty |
1000.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1785.0 |
Final Order |
2012-06-28 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
17 |
Gravity |
1 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.1200(e)(1): The employer did not develop, implement, and/or maintain at the workplace a written hazard communication program which describes how the criteria specified in 29 CFR 1910.1200(f), (g), and (h) will be met: a. On or about May 21, 2012, the employer did not have a written hazard communication program for chemicals such as but not limited to propane, chlorine, gasoline, muriatic acid, etc. |
Citation ID |
01005B |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19101200 G08 |
Issuance Date |
2012-06-18 |
Abatement Due Date |
2012-07-10 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2012-06-28 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
6 |
Gravity |
1 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.1200(g)(8): the employer will maintain in the work place copies of the required material safety data sheets for each hazardous chemical, and will ensure that they are readily accessible during each work shift to employees when they are in their work area(s): a. On or about May 12, 2012, the employer did not have material safety data sheets for employees working with chemicals such as but not limited to propane, chlorine, gasoline and muriatic acid. |
Citation ID |
01005C |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19101200 H01 |
Issuance Date |
2012-06-18 |
Abatement Due Date |
2012-07-10 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2012-06-28 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
6 |
Gravity |
1 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.1200(h)(1): The employer did not provide employees with effective information and training on hazardous chemicals in their work area at the time of their initial assignment, and whenever a new physical or health hazard the employees had not previously been trained about was introduced into their work area: a. On or about May 21, 2012, the employer did not provide training to all employees who were required to use and/or work with chemicals such as but not limited to: chlorine, propane, gasoline and muriatic acid. |
Citation ID |
02001 |
Citaton Type |
Other |
Standard Cited |
19100141 B01 I |
Issuance Date |
2012-06-18 |
Abatement Due Date |
2012-06-21 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2012-06-28 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
6 |
Related Event Code (REC) |
Complaint |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.141(b)(1)(i): Potable water was not provided in all places of employment, for drinking, washing of the person, cooking, washing of foods, washing of cooking or eating utensils, washing of food preparation or processing premises, and personal: a. On or about May 21, 2012, the employer did not provide potable drinking water for employees. |
Citation ID |
02002 |
Citaton Type |
Other |
Standard Cited |
19100178 L02 II |
Issuance Date |
2012-06-18 |
Abatement Due Date |
2012-07-10 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2012-06-28 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.178(l)(2)(ii): The employer did not ensure that each operator had successfully completed the training consisting of a combination of formal instruction (e.g., lecture, discussion, interactive computer learning, video tape, written material), practical training (demonstrations performed by the trainer and practical exercises performed by the trainee), and evaluation of the operator's performance in the workplace; a. On or about May 21, 2012, the forklift training did not consist of discussion, video tapes, quizzes or interactive computer training. |