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TILLES INVESTMENTS, LLC. - Florida Company Profile

Company Details

Jurisdiction: FLORIDA
Filing Type: Florida Limited Liability Co.

TILLES INVESTMENTS, LLC. is structured as a Limited Liability Company (LLC), a common business structure that offers its members limited liability protection, separating their personal assets from the company's debts and obligations.
In Florida, LLCs are governed by Title XXXVI, Chapter 605, Florida Revised Limited Liability Company Act

Status: Active

The business entity is active. This status indicates that the business is currently operating and compliant with state regulations, suggesting a lower risk profile for lenders and potentially better creditworthiness.

Date Filed: 25 Sep 2006 (18 years ago)
Event Date Filed: 28 Sep 2009 (15 years ago)
Document Number: L06000093899
FEI/EIN Number 205608477

Federal Employer Identification (FEI) Number assigned by the IRS.

Address: 8235 s virginia ave, PALM BEACH GARDENS,, FL, 33418, US
Mail Address: 8235 s virginia ave, PALM BEACH GARDENS,, FL, 33418, US
ZIP code: 33418
County: Palm Beach
Place of Formation: FLORIDA

Key Officers & Management

Name Role Address
GRAEVE MARINA CO 8235 s virginia ave, PALM BEACH gardens, FL, 33418
Tracy Stephen Agent 7741 N Military Trl, PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL, 33410


Event Type Filed Date Value Description
REGISTERED AGENT NAME CHANGED 2025-01-15 Tracy, Stephen, Esq. -
REGISTERED AGENT ADDRESS CHANGED 2022-02-14 7741 N Military Trl, ste 1, PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 -
REGISTERED AGENT NAME CHANGED 2022-02-14 Tracy, Stephen -
CHANGE OF MAILING ADDRESS 2017-02-28 8235 s virginia ave, PALM BEACH GARDENS,, FL 33418 -
CHANGE OF PRINCIPAL ADDRESS 2017-02-28 8235 s virginia ave, PALM BEACH GARDENS,, FL 33418 -
CANCEL ADM DISS/REV 2009-09-28 - -

Court Cases

Title Case Number Docket Date Status
RAFAEL VILLA and LUZ D. VILLA VS TILLES INVESTMENTS LLC, et al. 4D2020-1580 2020-07-14 Closed
Classification NOA Non Final - Circuit Civil - Other
Court 4th District Court of Appeal
Originating Court Circuit Court for the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, Martin County


Name Luz D. Villa
Role Appellant
Status Active
Name Rafael Villa
Role Appellant
Status Active
Representations Dennis A. Donet
Role Appellee
Status Active
Representations Kelley & Fulton, P.L., Adam Grant Schwartz
Role Appellee
Status Active
Name Barry Meadow
Role Appellee
Status Active
Name Hon. Michael J. McNicholas
Role Judge/Judicial Officer
Status Active
Name Hon. Gary L. Sweet
Role Judge/Judicial Officer
Status Active
Name Clerk - Martin
Role Lower Tribunal Clerk
Status Active

Docket Entries

Docket Date 2020-08-03
Type Brief
Subtype Jurisdictional Brief
Description Jurisdictional Brief
On Behalf Of Rafael Villa
Docket Date 2020-09-01
Type Disposition by Order
Subtype Dismissed
Description ORD-Sua Sponte Dismissed for Lack of Jurisdiction ~ Upon consideration of appellants’ August 3, 2020 “statement of jurisdiction” and appellee’s August 5, 2020 response, it is ORDERED sua sponte that the above-styled appeal is dismissed for lack of jurisdiction. See Burgos-Vazquez v. JP Morgan Chase Bank, 193 So. 3d 23, 24 (Fla. 4th DCA 2016) (holding that an order denying a motion to cancel sale is a nonfinal, nonappealable order); Popescu v. JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA, 162 So. 3d 10 (Fla. 4th DCA 2014) (“We dismiss the appeal from the order granting substitution of parties, which we treat as a motion to amend to correct the defendant's name, as the order is a non-final, non-appealable order. See Fla. R. App. P. 9.130.”); Pridgen v. First Union Bank, 879 So. 2d 21 (Fla. 2d DCA 2004) (“An order that merely schedules a foreclosure sale is not a final appealable order.”). Further,Upon consideration of appellants’ August 5, 2020 response, it isORDERED that appellee’s July 24, 2020 “motion to dismiss appeal for lack of jurisdiction over a non-appealable, non-final order” is determined to be moot. Further,Upon consideration of appellee’s August 6, 2020 response in opposition, it is ORDERED that appellants’ August 5, 2020 motion to temporarily relinquish jurisdiction is determined to be moot. The court declines to treat the appeal as a petition for writ of certiorari, as any harm cannot be considered irreparable and not remediable on appeal. LEVINE, C.J., WARNER and GERBER, JJ., concur.
Docket Date 2020-09-01
Type Disposition
Subtype Dismissed
Description Dismissed - Order by Judge
Docket Date 2020-08-06
Type Response
Subtype Response
Description Response
On Behalf Of Tilles Investments LLC
Docket Date 2020-08-05
Type Record
Subtype Appendix to Response
Description Appendix to Response
On Behalf Of Tilles Investments LLC
Docket Date 2020-08-05
Type Motions Other
Subtype Motion To Relinquish Jurisdiction
Description Motion To Relinquish Jurisdiction
On Behalf Of Rafael Villa
Docket Date 2020-08-05
Type Response
Subtype Response
Description Response ~ TO MOTION TO DISMISS
On Behalf Of Rafael Villa
Docket Date 2020-08-03
Type Misc. Events
Subtype Miscellaneous Trial Court Order
On Behalf Of Clerk - Martin
Docket Date 2020-07-24
Type Motions Other
Subtype Motion To Dismiss
Description Motion To Dismiss
On Behalf Of Tilles Investments LLC
Docket Date 2020-07-24
Type Order
Subtype Order to File Response re Jurisdiction
Description AA - File Statement for Basis of Jurisdiction ~ ORDERED that, within ten (10) days from the date of this order, appellants shall file in this court a brief statement explaining the basis for this court's subject matter jurisdiction over the order appealed in this case, citing supporting legal authorities. Appellants shall specifically address how the two orders on the omnibus motion are appealable pursuant to Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.110 or 9.130. Popescu v. JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA, 162 So. 3d 10 (Fla. 4th DCA 2014) ("We dismiss the appeal from the order granting substitution of parties, which we treat as a motion to amend to correct the defendant's name, as the order is a non-final, non-appealable order. See Fla. R. App. P. 9.130."); Pridgen v. First Union Bank, 879 So. 2d 21 (Fla. 2d DCA 2004) ("An order that merely schedules a foreclosure sale is not a final appealable order."); Burgos-Vazquez v. JP Morgan Chase Bank, 193 So. 3d 23, 24 (Fla. 4th DCA 2016) (holding that an order denying a motion to cancel sale is a nonfinal, nonappealable order); further,Appellees may file a response within ten (10) days of service of that statement.
Docket Date 2020-07-23
Type Misc. Events
Subtype Case Filing Fee Paid through Portal
Description Case Filing Fee Paid Through Portal
On Behalf Of Rafael Villa
Docket Date 2020-07-23
Type Notice
Subtype Notice
Description Notice ~ OF RELATED CASE. W/4D20-1003
On Behalf Of Rafael Villa
Docket Date 2020-07-14
Type Order
Subtype Order on Filing Fee
Description ORD-Pay Filing Fee-Civil Appeal ~ The jurisdiction of this court was invoked by filing of a Notice of Appeal in the lower tribunal. The $300.00 filing fee, or a circuit court clerk's determination of indigent status, did not accompany the Notice of Appeal as required in Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure 9.110(b) and 9.140(a). The filing fee is due and payable at the time of filing REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE APPEAL IS LATER DISMISSED VOLUNTARILY OR ADVERSELY.ORDERED that appellant shall pay the $300.00 filing fee or file the circuit court clerk's determination of indigent status in this court within ten (10) days from the date of this order. The fee may be paid electronically through the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal – see the court’s website for details. Failure to comply within the time prescribed will result in dismissal of this cause and may result in the court sanctioning of any party, or the party's attorney, who has not paid the filing fee. The attorney filing the Notice of Appeal has a duty to tender the filing fee to the appellate court when the appeal is initiated. See In Re Payment of Filing Fees, 744 So. 2d 1025 (Fla. 4th DCA 1997). Failure of the attorney to pay will result in referral to the Department of Financial Services for collection.**NOTE: This order does not toll the time for filing any pleadings necessary to prosecute this appeal and no extensions of time will be entertained. Once the fee is paid, it is not refundable. Except for dismissal, this court will take no action in this appeal until the filing fee is paid or until a circuit court clerk's determination of indigent status is filed.
Docket Date 2020-07-14
Type Notice
Subtype Notice of Appeal
Description Notice of Appeal Filed
On Behalf Of Rafael Villa
Docket Date 2020-07-14
Type Letter
Subtype Acknowledgment Letter
Description Acknowledgment Letter
Docket Date 2020-07-14
Type Misc. Events
Subtype Fee Status
Description FP:Fee Paid Through Portal
RAFAEL VILLA and LUZ D. VILLA VS TILLES INVESTMENTS, LLC et al. 4D2020-1003 2020-04-20 Closed
Classification NOA Final - Circuit Civil - Foreclosure
Court 4th District Court of Appeal
Originating Court Circuit Court for the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, Martin County


Role Appellant
Status Active
Name Rafael Villa
Role Appellant
Status Active
Representations Dennis A. Donet
Name Luz D. Villa
Role Appellant
Status Active
Role Appellee
Status Active
Role Appellee
Status Active
Role Appellee
Status Active
Representations Adam Grant Schwartz, Dorothy Ann A. Dlugolecki, Kelley & Fulton, P.L.
Name Barry Meadow
Role Appellee
Status Active
Name Hon. Michael J. McNicholas
Role Judge/Judicial Officer
Status Active
Name Clerk - Martin
Role Lower Tribunal Clerk
Status Active

Docket Entries

Docket Date 2020-11-10
Type Disposition by Order
Subtype Dismissed
Description Order Granting Voluntary Dismissal ~ ORDERED that appellants’ November 9, 2020 “motion for dismissal of appeal with prejudice due to settlement” is treated as a notice of voluntary dismissal, and this case is dismissed.
Docket Date 2020-11-10
Type Disposition
Subtype Dismissed
Description Dismissed - Order by Clerk
Docket Date 2020-11-09
Type Motions Other
Subtype Motion/Notice Voluntary Dismissal
On Behalf Of Rafael Villa
Docket Date 2020-10-26
Type Order
Subtype Order on Motion for Extension of Time to Serve Initial Brief
Description Order Granting EOT for Initial Brief ~ ORDERED that appellants’ October 23, 2020 motion for extension of time is granted, and appellants shall serve the initial brief on or before November 9, 2020. In addition, if the initial brief is not served within the time provided for in this order, the above-styled case may be subject to dismissal or the court in its discretion may impose other sanctions.
Docket Date 2020-10-23
Type Motions Extensions
Subtype Motion for Extension of Time to Serve Initial Brief
Description Mot. for Extension of time to file Initial Brief
On Behalf Of Rafael Villa
Docket Date 2020-09-29
Type Notice
Subtype Notice of Filing
On Behalf Of Rafael Villa
Docket Date 2020-09-24
Type Order
Subtype Order on Motion for Extension of Time to Serve Initial Brief
Description Order Granting EOT for Initial Brief ~ ORDERED that appellants’ September 22, 2020 motion for extension of time is granted, and appellants shall serve the initial brief on or before October 26, 2020. In addition, if the initial brief is not served within the time provided for in this order, the above-styled case may be subject to dismissal or the court in its discretion may impose other sanctions.
Docket Date 2020-09-22
Type Motions Extensions
Subtype Motion for Extension of Time to Serve Initial Brief
Description Mot. for Extension of time to file Initial Brief
On Behalf Of Rafael Villa
Docket Date 2020-09-22
Type Order
Subtype Order on Motion for Extension of Time
Description ORD-Granting EOT for Relinquishment of Juris. ~ ORDERED that appellants' September 21, 2020 motion to extend relinquishment is granted. Relinquishment of jurisdiction to the trial court is continued to and including September 28, 2020.Appellants shall forward to this court a copy of any order issued during relinquishment. It is further ordered that appellants shall monitor this proceeding in the trial court. If further time is needed beyond this relinquishment period, it shall be the duty of appellants to request an extension of time by proper motion to this court. This case shall proceed in this court upon expiration of relinquishment unless otherwise notified in writing by the parties.
Docket Date 2020-09-21
Type Motions Extensions
Subtype Motion for Extension of Time
On Behalf Of Rafael Villa
Docket Date 2020-09-15
Type Order
Subtype Order on Motion for Extension of Time
Description ORD-Granting EOT for Relinquishment of Juris. ~ ORDERED that appellants' September 14, 2020 motion to extend relinquishment is granted. Relinquishment of jurisdiction to the trial court is continued to and including September 21, 2020.Appellants shall forward to this court a copy of any order issued during relinquishment. It is further ordered that appellants shall monitor this proceeding in the trial court. If further time is needed beyond this relinquishment period, it shall be the duty of appellants to request an extension of time by proper motion to this court. This case shall proceed in this court upon expiration of relinquishment unless otherwise notified in writing by the parties.
Docket Date 2020-09-14
Type Motions Extensions
Subtype Motion for Extension of Time
On Behalf Of Rafael Villa
Docket Date 2020-08-31
Type Order
Subtype Order Relinquishing Jurisdiction
Description Jurisdiction Relinquished ~ Upon consideration of appellee's August 14, 2020 response in opposition, it is ORDERED that appellants' August 7, 2020 motion to temporarily relinquish jurisdiction is granted. Jurisdiction is relinquished to the trial court for fifteen (15) days for the purpose of disposing of appellants' pending motion for reconsideration filed pursuant to Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.330(h) and "motion for extension of time and to consider timely filed . . ." Appellants shall forward to this court a copy of any order issued during relinquishment. It is further ordered that appellants shall monitor this proceeding in the trial court. If further time is needed beyond this relinquishment period, it shall be the duty of appellants to request an extension of time by proper motion to this court. This case shall proceed in this court upon expiration of relinquishment unless otherwise notified in writing by the parties.
Docket Date 2020-08-24
Type Order
Subtype Order on Agreed Extension of Time
Description Recognizing Agreed Extension of Time ~ TO 09/25/2020
Docket Date 2020-08-24
Type Notice
Subtype Notice of Agreed Extension of Time - Initial Brief
Description Notice of Agreed Extension - Initial Brief
On Behalf Of Rafael Villa
Docket Date 2020-08-14
Type Response
Subtype Response
On Behalf Of Synovus Bank
Docket Date 2020-08-07
Type Motions Other
Subtype Motion To Relinquish Jurisdiction
Description Motion To Relinquish Jurisdiction
On Behalf Of Rafael Villa
Docket Date 2020-08-03
Type Misc. Events
Subtype Miscellaneous Trial Court Order
On Behalf Of Clerk - Martin
Docket Date 2020-07-27
Type Order
Subtype Order on Agreed Extension of Time
Description Recognizing Agreed Extension of Time ~ 30 DAYS TO 08/26/2020
Docket Date 2020-07-27
Type Notice
Subtype Notice of Agreed Extension of Time - Initial Brief
Description Notice of Agreed Extension - Initial Brief
On Behalf Of Rafael Villa
Docket Date 2020-07-14
Type Order
Subtype Order on Motion For Substitution of Parties
Description ORD-Allowing Substitution of Parties ~ ORDERED that the June 23, 2020 motions to substitute party are granted, and Tilles Investments, LLC is substituted as the appellee in the above-styled appeal in place of appellees Barry Meadow and Synovus Bank.
Docket Date 2020-06-24
Type Record
Subtype Record on Appeal
Description Received Records ~ 712 PAGES (PAGES 1-695)
On Behalf Of Clerk - Martin
Docket Date 2020-06-24
Type Order
Subtype Order on Agreed Extension of Time
Description Recognizing Agreed Extension of Time ~ TO 07/27/2020
Docket Date 2020-06-24
Type Notice
Subtype Notice of Agreed Extension of Time - Initial Brief
Description Notice of Agreed Extension - Initial Brief
On Behalf Of Rafael Villa
Docket Date 2020-06-23
Type Motions Relating to Parties and Counsel
Subtype Motion For Substitution of Parties
Description Motion For Substitution of Parties
On Behalf Of Synovus Bank
Docket Date 2020-06-23
Type Notice
Subtype Notice of Appearance
Description Notice of Appearance
On Behalf Of Synovus Bank
Docket Date 2020-04-27
Type Misc. Events
Subtype Case Filing Fee Paid through Portal
Description Case Filing Fee Paid Through Portal
On Behalf Of Rafael Villa
Docket Date 2020-04-20
Type Misc. Events
Subtype Fee Status
Description FP:Fee Paid Through Portal
Docket Date 2020-04-20
Type Notice
Subtype Notice of Appeal
Description Notice of Appeal Filed
On Behalf Of Rafael Villa
Docket Date 2020-04-20
Type Letter
Subtype Acknowledgment Letter
Description Acknowledgment Letter
Docket Date 2020-04-20
Type Order
Subtype Order on Filing Fee
Description ORD-Pay Filing Fee-Civil Appeal ~ The jurisdiction of this court was invoked by filing of a Notice of Appeal in the lower tribunal. The $300.00 filing fee, or a circuit court clerk's determination of indigent status, did not accompany the Notice of Appeal as required in Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure 9.110(b) and 9.140(a). The filing fee is due and payable at the time of filing REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE APPEAL IS LATER DISMISSED VOLUNTARILY OR ADVERSELY.ORDERED that appellant shall pay the $300.00 filing fee or file the circuit court clerk's determination of indigent status in this court within ten (10) days from the date of this order. The fee may be paid electronically through the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal - see the court's website for details. Failure to comply within the time prescribed will result in dismissal of this cause and may result in the court sanctioning of any party, or the party's attorney, who has not paid the filing fee. The attorney filing the Notice of Appeal has a duty to tender the filing fee to the appellate court when the appeal is initiated. See In Re Payment of Filing Fees, 744 So. 2d 1025 (Fla. 4th DCA 1997). Failure of the attorney to pay will result in referral to the Department of Financial Services for collection.**NOTE: This order does not toll the time for filing any pleadings necessary to prosecute this appeal and no extensions of time will be entertained. Once the fee is paid, it is not refundable. Except for dismissal, this court will take no action in this appeal until the filing fee is paid or until a circuit court clerk's determination of indigent status is filed.


Name Date
ANNUAL REPORT 2025-01-15
ANNUAL REPORT 2024-04-22
ANNUAL REPORT 2023-07-11
ANNUAL REPORT 2022-02-04
ANNUAL REPORT 2021-01-11
ANNUAL REPORT 2020-01-17
ANNUAL REPORT 2019-04-03
ANNUAL REPORT 2018-01-15
ANNUAL REPORT 2017-02-28

Date of last update: 03 Mar 2025

Sources: Florida Department of State