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Company Details

Jurisdiction: FLORIDA
Filing Type: Florida Limited Liability Co.
Status: Active
Date Filed: 30 Jun 2005 (20 years ago)
Event Date Filed: 23 Jan 2016 (9 years ago)
Document Number: L05000066704
FEI/EIN Number 611490150
Address: 445 Anglers Drive, Unit 2B, Steamboat Springs, CO, 80487, US
Mail Address: PO BOX 880493, STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, CO, 80488
Place of Formation: FLORIDA

form 5500

Plan Name Plan Year EIN/PN Received Sponsor Total number of participants
HERITAGE GREEN, LLC 401K P/S PLAN 2009 611490150 2010-08-30 HERITAGE GREEN, LLC 4
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2006-01-01
Business code 531390
Sponsor’s telephone number 4073770555
Plan sponsor’s address P.O. BOX 2146, ORLANDO, FL, 328022146

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 611490150
Plan administrator’s name HERITAGE GREEN, LLC
Plan administrator’s address P.O. BOX 2146, ORLANDO, FL, 328022146
Administrator’s telephone number 4073770555

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2010-08-30
Name of individual signing DAMIAN WINTERBURN
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
HERITAGE GREEN, LLC 401K P/S PLAN 2009 611490150 2010-08-30 HERITAGE GREEN, LLC 4
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2006-01-01
Business code 531390
Sponsor’s telephone number 4073770555
Plan sponsor’s address P.O. BOX 2146, ORLANDO, FL, 328022146

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 611490150
Plan administrator’s name HERITAGE GREEN, LLC
Plan administrator’s address P.O. BOX 2146, ORLANDO, FL, 328022146
Administrator’s telephone number 4073770555

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2010-08-30
Name of individual signing DAMIAN WINTERBURN
Valid signature Filed with incorrect/unrecognized electronic signature
HERITAGE GREEN, LLC 401K P/S PLAN 2009 611490150 2010-08-02 HERITAGE GREEN, LLC 4
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2006-01-01
Business code 531390
Sponsor’s telephone number 4073770555
Plan sponsor’s address P.O. BOX 2146, ORLANDO, FL, 328022146

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 611490150
Plan administrator’s name HERITAGE GREEN, LLC
Plan administrator’s address P.O. BOX 2146, ORLANDO, FL, 328022146
Administrator’s telephone number 4073770555

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2010-08-02
Name of individual signing DAMIAN WINTERBURN
Valid signature Filed with incorrect/unrecognized electronic signature
HERITAGE GREEN, LLC 401(K) P/S PLAN 2009 611490150 2010-06-14 HERITAGE GREEN, LLC 4
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2006-01-01
Business code 531390
Sponsor’s telephone number 4072764039
Plan sponsor’s mailing address P.O. BOX 2146, ORLANDO, FL, 32802
Plan sponsor’s address 200 S. ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 2075, ORLANDO, FL, 32801

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 611490150
Plan administrator’s name HERITAGE GREEN, LLC
Plan administrator’s address P.O. BOX 2146, ORLANDO, FL, 32802
Administrator’s telephone number 4072764039

Number of participants as of the end of the plan year

Active participants 0
Retired or separated participants receiving benefits 0
Other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits 0
Deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits 0
Number of participants with account balances as of the end of the plan year 0
Number of participants that terminated employment during the plan year with accrued benefits that were less than 100% vested 0

Signature of

Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2010-06-14
Name of individual signing DAMIAN WINTERBURN
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
HERITAGE GREEN, LLC 401(K) P/S PLAN 2009 611490150 2010-06-14 HERITAGE GREEN, LLC 4
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2006-01-01
Business code 531390
Sponsor’s telephone number 4072764039
Plan sponsor’s mailing address P.O. BOX 2146, ORLANDO, FL, 32802
Plan sponsor’s address 200 S. ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 2075, ORLANDO, FL, 32801

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 611490150
Plan administrator’s name HERITAGE GREEN, LLC
Plan administrator’s address P.O. BOX 2146, ORLANDO, FL, 32802
Administrator’s telephone number 4072764039

Number of participants as of the end of the plan year

Active participants 0
Retired or separated participants receiving benefits 0
Other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits 0
Deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits 0
Number of participants with account balances as of the end of the plan year 0
Number of participants that terminated employment during the plan year with accrued benefits that were less than 100% vested 0

Signature of

Role Employer/plan sponsor
Date 2010-06-14
Name of individual signing DAMIAN WINTERBURN
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature
HERITAGE GREEN, LLC 401(K) P/S PLAN 2009 611490150 2010-06-14 HERITAGE GREEN, LLC 4
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2006-01-01
Business code 531390
Sponsor’s telephone number 4072764039
Plan sponsor’s mailing address P.O. BOX 2146, ORLANDO, FL, 32802
Plan sponsor’s address 200 S. ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 2075, ORLANDO, FL, 32801

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 611490150
Plan administrator’s name HERITAGE GREEN, LLC
Plan administrator’s address P.O. BOX 2146, ORLANDO, FL, 32802
Administrator’s telephone number 4072764039

Number of participants as of the end of the plan year

Active participants 0
Retired or separated participants receiving benefits 0
Other retired or separated participants entitled to future benefits 0
Deceased participants whose beneficiaries are receiving or are entitled to receive benefits 0
Number of participants with account balances as of the end of the plan year 0
Number of participants that terminated employment during the plan year with accrued benefits that were less than 100% vested 0

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2010-06-14
Name of individual signing DAMIAN WINTERBURN
Valid signature Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature


Name Role


Name Role


Event Type Filed Date Value Description
CHANGE OF MAILING ADDRESS 2025-01-28 445 Anglers Drive, Unit 2B, Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 No data
CHANGE OF PRINCIPAL ADDRESS 2023-01-25 445 Anglers Drive, Unit 2B, Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 No data
REGISTERED AGENT NAME CHANGED 2023-01-25 HG Group Services Inc No data
REGISTERED AGENT ADDRESS CHANGED 2023-01-25 7901 4th St N, STE 300, St. Petersburg, FL 33702 No data
REINSTATEMENT 2016-01-23 No data No data
CHANGE OF MAILING ADDRESS 2012-02-24 445 Anglers Drive, Unit 2B, Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 No data


Name Date
ANNUAL REPORT 2025-01-28
ANNUAL REPORT 2024-01-29
ANNUAL REPORT 2023-01-25
ANNUAL REPORT 2022-01-13
ANNUAL REPORT 2021-01-11
ANNUAL REPORT 2020-01-16
ANNUAL REPORT 2019-01-28
ANNUAL REPORT 2018-01-19
ANNUAL REPORT 2017-01-06

Date of last update: 02 Feb 2025

Sources: Florida Department of State