Inspection Type |
Scope |
Safety/Health |
Close Conference |
Emphasis |
Case Closed |
Related Activity
Type |
Inspection |
Activity Nr |
1107727 |
Health |
Yes |
Violation Items
Citation ID |
01001 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100147 C01 |
Issuance Date |
2015-12-08 |
Abatement Due Date |
2016-01-05 |
Current Penalty |
1200.0 |
Initial Penalty |
2000.0 |
Final Order |
2015-12-23 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
8 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.147(c)(1): The employer did not establish a program consisting of an energy control procedure and employee training to ensure that before any employee performed any servicing or maintenance on a machine or equipment where the unexpected energizing, start up or release of stored energy could occur and cause injury, the machine or equipment would be isolated, and rendered inoperative in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.147(c)(4): a. On November 17, 2015, in the machine shop and the fab shop, the employer did not develop a program of rules, procedures, training, and reviews, and did not have the locks and tags and tools to properly lock and tag out equipment when servicing it. |
Citation ID |
01002 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100212 A03 II |
Issuance Date |
2015-12-08 |
Abatement Due Date |
2015-12-18 |
Current Penalty |
1680.0 |
Initial Penalty |
2800.0 |
Final Order |
2015-12-23 |
Nr Instances |
6 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
Gravity |
10 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.212(a)(3)(ii): The point of operation of machines whose operation exposes an employee to injury, was not designed and constructed as to prevent the operator from having any part of his body in the danger zone during the operating cycle: a. On November 17, 2015, in the fab shop, the Accurshear was missing the lower section of the guard, exposing employees to an amputation hazard. b. On November 17, 2015, in the fab shop, the Accurshear did not have a barrier to prevent employees from accessing the back of the machine. c. On November 17, 2015, in the fab shop, the Accurpress press brake did not have a guard at the point of operation, exposing employees to an amputation hazard. d. On November 17, 2015, in the fab shop, the Accurpress press brake did not have a barrier to prevent employees from accessing the back of the machine. e. On November 17, 2015, in the fab shop, the Accurpress press brake only had one foot pedal when two employees operated it, exposing employees to an amputation hazard. f. On November 17, 2015, in the machine shop, the lathes did not have a shield or guard, exposing employees to a struck by hazard. |
Citation ID |
01003 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100215 A02 |
Issuance Date |
2015-12-08 |
Abatement Due Date |
2015-12-18 |
Current Penalty |
960.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1600.0 |
Final Order |
2015-12-23 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.215(a)(2): Abrasive wheel(s) used on grinding machinery were not provided with safety guard(s) which covered the spindle end, nut, flange projections: a. On November 17, 2015, in the machine shop, the grinder without a label did not have a guard on the end to cover the spindle end, exposing employees to a struck by hazard. |
Citation ID |
01004 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100215 A04 |
Issuance Date |
2015-12-08 |
Abatement Due Date |
2015-12-18 |
Current Penalty |
960.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1600.0 |
Final Order |
2015-12-23 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.215(a)(4): Work rests were not kept adjusted closely to the wheel with a maximum opening of one-eighth inch to prevent the work from being jammed between the wheel and the rest, which may cause wheel breakage: a. On November 17, 2015, in the machine shop, the work rest on the Dayton grinder was adjusted two inches from the wheel, exposing employees to a struck by hazard. b. On November 17, 2015, in the machine shop, the grinder without a label did not have a work rest, exposing employees to a struck by hazard. |
Citation ID |
01005 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100215 B09 |
Issuance Date |
2015-12-08 |
Abatement Due Date |
2015-12-18 |
Current Penalty |
960.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1600.0 |
Final Order |
2015-12-23 |
Nr Instances |
2 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.215(b)(9): The distance between the abrasive wheel periphery(s) and the adjustable tongue or the end of the safety guard peripheral member at the top exceeded one-fourth inch: a. On November 17, 2015, in the machine shop, the tongue guard on the Dayton grinder was adjusted two inches from the wheel, exposing employees to a struck by hazard. b. On November 17, 2015, in the machine shop, the grinder without a label did not have a tongue guard, exposing employees to a struck by hazard. |
Citation ID |
01006 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100253 B04 III |
Issuance Date |
2015-12-08 |
Abatement Due Date |
2015-12-16 |
Current Penalty |
960.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1600.0 |
Final Order |
2015-12-23 |
Nr Instances |
2 |
Nr Exposed |
20 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.253(b)(4)(iii): Oxygen cylinders in storage were not separated from fuel-gas cylinders or combustible materials (especially oil or grease), a minimum distance of 20 feet (6.1 m) or by a noncombustible barrier at least 5 feet (1.5 m) high having a fire-resistance rating of at least one-half hour: a. On November 17, 2015, in the machine shop, there was an oxygen cylinder stored near and acetylene cylinder, exposing employees to a fire hazard. b. On November 17, 2015, along the outside wall of the fab shop, there were several oxygen cylinders stored near several acetylene cylinders, exposing employees to a fire hazard. |
Citation ID |
01007 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100305 B01 II |
Issuance Date |
2015-12-08 |
Abatement Due Date |
2015-12-18 |
Current Penalty |
960.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1600.0 |
Final Order |
2015-12-23 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.305(b)(1)(ii): Unused openings in cabinets, boxes, and fittings were not effectively closed: a. On November 17, 2015, in the machine shop, the electrical panel box with power to the CNC machines was missing a knockout, exposing employees to an electrical hazard. |
Citation ID |
01008 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100305 B02 I |
Issuance Date |
2015-12-08 |
Abatement Due Date |
2015-12-16 |
Current Penalty |
960.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1600.0 |
Final Order |
2015-12-23 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.305(b)(2)(i): Each outlet box in completed installations did not have a cover, faceplate, or fixture canopy: a. On November 17, 2015, in the fab shop, the outlet box on the north wall did not have a cover revealing energized parts, exposing employees to an electrical hazard. |
Citation ID |
01009 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100334 A02 II |
Issuance Date |
2015-12-08 |
Abatement Due Date |
2015-12-16 |
Current Penalty |
960.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1600.0 |
Final Order |
2015-12-23 |
Nr Instances |
3 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.334(a)(2)(ii): When there was a defect or evidence of damage that could expose an employee to injury, the defective or damaged item was not removed from service until the repairs and tests necessary to render the electric equipment safe had been made: a. On November 17, 2015, in the fab shop, there were several orange extension cords with damaged outer insulation and damaged inner insulation, exposing employees to an electrical hazard. |
Citation ID |
02001 |
Citaton Type |
Other |
Standard Cited |
19100178 L01 I |
Issuance Date |
2015-12-08 |
Abatement Due Date |
2015-12-28 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2015-12-23 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
1 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.178(l)(1)(i): The employer did not ensure that each powered industrial truck operator was competent to operate a powered industrial truck safely, as demonstrated by the successful completion of the training and evaluation specified in this paragraph (l): a. On November 17, 2015, in the machine shop and the fab shop, the employer did not ensure that all employees that were operating forklifts received training that included lecture, video, and on the job evaluation. |
Citation ID |
02002 |
Citaton Type |
Other |
Standard Cited |
19100303 G01 |
Issuance Date |
2015-12-08 |
Abatement Due Date |
2015-12-16 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2015-12-23 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.303(g)(1): Sufficient access and working space was not provided and maintained about all electric equipment (operating at 600 volts, nominal, or less to ground) to permit ready and safe operation and maintenance of such equipment: a. On November 17, 2015, in the fab shop, the electrical panel box near the press brakes had heavy material blocking access to it. |
Inspection Type |
Scope |
Safety/Health |
Close Conference |
Emphasis |
Case Closed |
Related Activity
Type |
Inspection |
Activity Nr |
1106561 |
Safety |
Yes |
Violation Items
Citation ID |
01001 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100252 B02 III |
Issuance Date |
2016-01-19 |
Abatement Due Date |
2016-03-07 |
Current Penalty |
720.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1200.0 |
Final Order |
2016-02-17 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
Gravity |
1 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.252(b)(2)(iii): Workers and other persons adjacent to the welding area were not protected from the rays by noncombustible or flameproof screens or shields: a. On or about November 17, 2015, employees working in the fabrication shop, fabricating carbon steel were not protected from welder's flash by a noncombustible or flameproof screen or shield. |
Citation ID |
01002A |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19101200 E01 |
Issuance Date |
2016-01-19 |
Abatement Due Date |
2016-03-07 |
Current Penalty |
720.0 |
Initial Penalty |
1200.0 |
Final Order |
2016-02-17 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
20 |
Gravity |
1 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.1200(e)(1): Employer had not developed or implemented a written hazard communication program included the requirements outlined in 29 CFR 1910.1200(e)(1)(i) and (e)(1)(ii): a. On or about November 17, 2015, employees used hazardous chemicals such as, but not limited to Radnor Solvent Based Anti-Spatter, PB Blaster, and ZEP 45 NC Aerosol while working in the welding areas of the plant and the employer did not implement at the workplace a written hazard communication program. |
Citation ID |
01002B |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19101200 G01 |
Issuance Date |
2016-01-19 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2016-02-17 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
20 |
Gravity |
1 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.1200(g)(1): Employers did not have a safety data sheet in the workplace for each hazardous chemical which they use: a. On or about November 17, 2015, the employer did not have a safety data sheet for each hazardous chemical used by the employees such as, but not limited to Radnor Solvent Based Anti-Spatter, PB Blaster, and ZEP 45 NC Aerosol. |
Citation ID |
01002C |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19101200 H03 IV |
Issuance Date |
2016-01-19 |
Abatement Due Date |
2016-03-07 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2016-02-17 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
20 |
Gravity |
1 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.1200(h)(3)(iv): The details of the hazard communication program developed by the employer, did not include an explanation of the labels received on shipped containers and the workplace labeling system used by their employer; the safety data sheet, including the order of information and how employee could obtain and use the appropriate hazard information: a. On or about November 17, 2015, employees used hazardous chemicals such as, but not limited to Radnor Solvent Based Anti-Spatter, PB Blaster, and ZEP 45 NC Aerosol while working in the welding areas of the plant and the employer did not provide an explanation of the new labeling system and safety data sheet. |