Docket Date |
Type |
Subtype |
Reply Brief
Description |
Appellant's Reply Brief
On Behalf Of |
James Lucas Southam
Docket Date |
Type |
Supreme Court
Subtype |
Supreme Court Miscellaneous
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Supreme Court Disposition ~ SC22-1052
Docket Date |
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Supreme Court
Subtype |
Acknowledged Receipt from Supreme Court
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Ack. Receipt from Supreme Court ~ SC22-1052
Docket Date |
Type |
Subtype |
Notice of Appearance
Description |
Notice of Appearance
On Behalf Of |
James Lucas Southam
Docket Date |
Type |
Subtype |
Description |
Docket Date |
Type |
Supreme Court
Subtype |
Notice to Invok. Disc. Jur. FSC
Description |
Notice of Discretionary Jurisdiction to Supreme Court
On Behalf Of |
James Lucas Southam
Docket Date |
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Misc. Events
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West Publishing
Description |
West Publishing
Docket Date |
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Disposition by Opinion
Subtype |
Description |
Affirmed - Authored Opinion
Docket Date |
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Misc. Events
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Oral Argument Date Set
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Oral Argument Date Set ~ 4DCA
Docket Date |
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Subtype |
Order on Motion/Request for Oral Argument
Description |
ORD-Setting Oral Argument ~ This case is set for Oral Argument on June 7, 2022, at 10:00 A.M. for 15 minutes per side, in person at the Fourth District Court of Appeal Courthouse. If a side anticipates more than two attorneys sitting at counsel table during oral argument, it shall contact the Marshal’s Office by phone at least two business days before the oral argument session. The court calendars can be viewed on this court's website at In criminal cases where a victim, as defined in Article I, Section 16(e) of the Florida Constitution, has invoked their right to notice under Article I, Section 16(b)(6) of the Florida Constitution, the State shall provide the victim with notice of this oral argument and of any changes to the scheduled date or time.Within seven (7) days from the date of this order, either side may file a motion for remote oral argument, which, if granted, would take place on the same week as the currently scheduled in-person oral argument, with the date and time to be set by further order of this court. Before filing the motion, the moving party shall confer with the opposing side to ascertain whether the opposing side agrees to a remote oral argument. The motion shall state: (1) the reasons why remote oral argument is requested; and (2) whether the opposing side consents to a remote oral argument. If the motion is opposed, then the opposing side shall file a response to the motion within three (3) days after the filing of the motion. No extensions of time to file the motion or response will be permitted, absent extraordinary circumstances. If the court grants the motion for remote oral argument, the argument will take place via Zoom video conference and all judges and attorneys will appear remotely.
Docket Date |
Type |
Motions Relating to Oral Argument
Subtype |
Motion/Request for Oral Argument
Description |
Request for Oral Argument
On Behalf Of |
James Lucas Southam
Docket Date |
Type |
Subtype |
Answer Brief
Description |
Appellee's Answer Brief
On Behalf Of |
Red Wing Shoe Company, Inc.
Docket Date |
Type |
Motions Relating to Oral Argument
Subtype |
Motion/Request for Oral Argument
Description |
Request for Oral Argument
On Behalf Of |
Red Wing Shoe Company, Inc.
Docket Date |
Type |
Subtype |
Initial Brief
Description |
Initial Brief on Merits
On Behalf Of |
James Lucas Southam
Docket Date |
Type |
Subtype |
Record on Appeal
Description |
Received Records ~ 954 PAGES
On Behalf Of |
Clerk - Broward
Docket Date |
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Subtype |
Order on Agreed Extension of Time
Description |
Recognizing Agreed Extension of Time ~ 24 DAYS TO 02/25/2022
Docket Date |
Type |
Subtype |
Notice of Agreed Extension of Time - Initial Brief
Description |
Notice of Agreed Extension - Initial Brief
On Behalf Of |
James Lucas Southam
Docket Date |
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Misc. Events
Subtype |
Pro Hac Vice Fee Paid through Portal
Description |
On Behalf Of |
Red Wing Shoe Company, Inc.
Docket Date |
Type |
Subtype |
Order on Motion for Reinstatement
Description |
ORD-Reinstatement ~ ORDERED that appellant’s December 15, 2021 corrected motion for reinstatement is granted, and the above-styled appeal is reinstated. Further, ORDERED that the appellee’s December 9, 2021 verified motions for permission to appear pro hac vice are reinstated and granted. Mark S. Eisen, Esquire, and David S. Almeida, Esquire are permitted to appear in this appeal as counsel for appellee. Mark S. Eisen, Esquire, and David S. Almeida, Esquire, are advised that this court does not send paper documents to attorneys and they shall register for this court’s eDCA system and the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal within five (5) days from the date of this order. Further,ORDERED that Mark S. Eisen, Esquire, and David S. Almeida, Esquire, shall each tender the $100.00 appearance fee required by section 35.22(2)(a), Florida Statutes (2016) within ten (10) days from the date of this order. The fee may be paid electronically through the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal – see the court’s website for details.
Docket Date |
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Subtype |
Order Striking Filing
Description |
Stricken - No or Noncompliant Cert. of Service ~ ORDERED that appellant’s December 14, 2021 motion for reinstatement is stricken as not in compliance with Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.420(d) in that the certificate of service does not comply in substance with the requirements of Florida Rule of General Practice and Judicial Administration 2.516(f).
Docket Date |
Type |
Post-Disposition Motions
Subtype |
Motion For Reinstatement
Description |
Motion For Reinstatement ~ CORRECTED
On Behalf Of |
James Lucas Southam
Docket Date |
Type |
Post-Disposition Motions
Subtype |
Motion For Reinstatement
Description |
Motion For Reinstatement ~ **Stricken**
On Behalf Of |
James Lucas Southam
Docket Date |
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Misc. Events
Subtype |
Miscellaneous Docket Entry
Description |
Miscellaneous Entry/Document ~ Invoice voided.
Docket Date |
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Subtype |
Description |
Dismissed - Order by Clerk ~ (Reinstated 12/16/21)
Docket Date |
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Misc. Events
Subtype |
Case Filing Fee Paid through Portal
Description |
Case Filing Fee Paid Through Portal
On Behalf Of |
James Lucas Southam
Docket Date |
Type |
Disposition by Order
Subtype |
Description |
ORD-Sua Sponte Dismiss-No Filing Fee ~ ORDERED sua sponte that the above-styled appeal is dismissed for non-payment of the $300.00 filing fee. Further, ORDERED that both of appellee’s December 9, 2021 motions to appear pro hac vice are determined to be moot.
Docket Date |
Type |
Subtype |
Notice of Appearance
Description |
Notice of Appearance
On Behalf Of |
Red Wing Shoe Company, Inc.
Docket Date |
Type |
Motions Relating to Parties and Counsel
Subtype |
Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice
Description |
Mot. to appear pro hac vice ~ Mark S. Eisen
On Behalf Of |
Red Wing Shoe Company, Inc.
Docket Date |
Type |
Subtype |
Order on Filing Fee
Description |
ORD-Pay Filing Fee-Civil Appeal ~ The jurisdiction of this court was invoked by filing of a Notice of Appeal in the lower tribunal. The $300.00 filing fee required by the applicable rule of procedure and Section 35.22(2)(a), Florida Statutes, is due and payable REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE APPEAL IS LATER DISMISSED VOLUNTARILY OR ADVERSELY.ORDERED that appellant shall pay the $300.00 filing fee or file the lower tribunal clerk's determination of indigent status in this court within ten (10) days from the date of this order. The fee may be paid electronically through the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal – see the court’s website for details. Failure to comply within the time prescribed will result in dismissal of this cause and may result in the court sanctioning of any party, or the party's attorney, who has not paid the filing fee. The attorney filing the Notice of Appeal has a duty to tender the filing fee to the appellate court when the appeal is initiated. See In Re Payment of Filing Fees, 744 So. 2d 1025 (Fla. 4th DCA 1997). Failure of the attorney to pay will result in referral to the Department of Financial Services for collection.**NOTE: This order does not toll the time for filing any pleadings necessary to prosecute this appeal and no extensions of time will be entertained. Once the fee is paid, it is not refundable. Except for dismissal, this court will take no action in this appeal until the filing fee is paid or until a lower tribunal clerk's determination of indigent status is filed.
Docket Date |
Type |
Subtype |
Acknowledgment Letter
Description |
Acknowledgment Letter
Docket Date |
Type |
Subtype |
Notice of Appeal
Description |
Notice of Appeal Filed
On Behalf Of |
James Lucas Southam
Docket Date |
Type |
Misc. Events
Subtype |
Fee Status
Description |
FP:Fee Paid Through Portal