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Company Details

Jurisdiction: FLORIDA
Filing Type: Foreign Profit Corporation
Status: Active
Date Filed: 25 Apr 2023 (2 years ago)
Document Number: F23000002421
FEI/EIN Number 13-2744380
Address: 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Mail Address: 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Place of Formation: MARYLAND


Name Role

Director and Chief Executive Officer

Name Role Address
Flynn, Conor C Director and Chief Executive Officer 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753

Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President

Name Role Address
Cohen, Glenn G Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753

Vice President

Name Role Address
Briamonte, Barbara E Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Dooley, Paul Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Weinreb, Harvey G Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Chernomordik, Tamara Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Decker, Carmen Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Domb, David Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Freeman, Christoper Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Garcia, Marissa Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Gerber, Scott Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Klein, Brett N. Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753

Assistant Secretary

Name Role Address
Gazerro, Kathleen M Assistant Secretary 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753

President and Chief Investment Officer

Name Role Address
Cooper, Ross President and Chief Investment Officer 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753


Name Role Address
Coviello, Philip E. Director 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Hogan Preusse, Mary Director 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Lourenso, Frank Director 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Moniz, Henry Director 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Richardson, Valerie Director 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Saltzman, Richard B. Director 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Cooper, Milton Director 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753

Senior Vice President

Name Role Address
Bujnicki, David Senior Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Glazer, Geoffrey Senior Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Teichman, William Senior Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Thayer, Kathleen Senior Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753


Name Role Address
Cooper, Milton Chairman 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753

Executive Chairman

Name Role Address
Cooper, Milton Executive Chairman 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753

Executive Vice President

Name Role Address
Edwards, Raymond Executive Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Landro, Leah Executive Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Rubenstein, Bruce Executive Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753
Taddeo, Thomas Executive Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753

Chief Technology Officer and Vice President

Name Role Address
Fisher, Kenneth Chief Technology Officer and Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753

Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President

Name Role Address
Jamieson, David Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753

Chief Human Resources Officer

Name Role Address
Landro, Leah Chief Human Resources Officer 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753

General Counsel

Name Role Address
Rubenstein, Bruce General Counsel 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753


Name Role Address
Rubenstein, Bruce Secretary 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753

Chief Information Officer

Name Role Address
Taddeo, Thomas Chief Information Officer 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753


Name Role Address
Thayer, Kathleen Treasurer 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753

Chief Accounting Officer and Vice President

Name Role Address
Westbrook, Paul Chief Accounting Officer and Vice President 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753


Event Type Filed Date Value Description
CHANGE OF PRINCIPAL ADDRESS 2024-06-20 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753 No data
CHANGE OF MAILING ADDRESS 2024-06-20 500 North Broadway, Suite 201, JERICHO, NY 11753 No data


Name Date
ANNUAL REPORT 2024-04-29
Foreign Profit 2023-04-25

Date of last update: 10 Jan 2025

Sources: Florida Department of State