Jurisdiction: | FLORIDA |
Filing Type: | Foreign Profit Corporation |
Status: | Active |
Date Filed: | 06 Sep 2006 (18 years ago) |
Document Number: | F06000005761 |
FEI/EIN Number | 52-0220400 |
Address: | 200 E. RANDOLPH STREET, 8th Floor, CHICAGO, IL 60601 |
Mail Address: | 200 E. RANDOLPH STREET, 8th Floor, CHICAGO, IL 60601 |
Place of Formation: | MARYLAND |
Name | Role |
Name | Role | Address |
LEY, MICHELLE S | Assistant Vice President | 200 E. RANDOLPH STREET, 8th Floor CHICAGO, IL 60601 |
Name | Role | Address |
LEY, MICHELLE S | Director | 200 E. RANDOLPH STREET, 8th Floor CHICAGO, IL 60601 |
Alexis, Colby E | Director | 200 E. RANDOLPH STREET, 8th Floor CHICAGO, IL 60601 |
LEE, ROBERT E, III | Director | 200 E. RANDOLPH STREET, 8th Floor CHICAGO, IL 60601 |
Name | Role | Address |
LEY, MICHELLE S | Asst. Secretary | 200 E. RANDOLPH STREET, 8th Floor CHICAGO, IL 60601 |
Name | Role | Address |
Alexis, Colby E | Secretary | 200 E. RANDOLPH STREET, 8th Floor CHICAGO, IL 60601 |
Name | Role | Address |
Alexis, Colby E | Vice President | 200 E. RANDOLPH STREET, 8th Floor CHICAGO, IL 60601 |
HAGY, PAUL A | Vice President | 200 E. RANDOLPH STREET, 8th Floor CHICAGO, IL 60601 |
LEE, ROBERT E, III | Vice President | 200 E. RANDOLPH STREET, 8th Floor CHICAGO, IL 60601 |
Name | Role | Address |
TOLBERT, OTIS L | President | 200 E. RANDOLPH STREET, 8th Floor CHICAGO, IL 60601 |
Name | Role | Address |
HAGY, PAUL A | Treasurer | 200 E. RANDOLPH STREET, 8th Floor CHICAGO, IL 60601 |
Name | Role | Address |
LEE, ROBERT E, III | Assistant Secretary | 200 E. RANDOLPH STREET, 8th Floor CHICAGO, IL 60601 |
Event Type | Filed Date | Value | Description |
CHANGE OF PRINCIPAL ADDRESS | 2024-04-23 | 200 E. RANDOLPH STREET, 8th Floor, CHICAGO, IL 60601 | No data |
CHANGE OF MAILING ADDRESS | 2024-04-23 | 200 E. RANDOLPH STREET, 8th Floor, CHICAGO, IL 60601 | No data |
Name | Date |
ANNUAL REPORT | 2024-04-23 |
ANNUAL REPORT | 2023-01-10 |
ANNUAL REPORT | 2022-04-22 |
ANNUAL REPORT | 2021-04-22 |
ANNUAL REPORT | 2020-05-01 |
ANNUAL REPORT | 2019-01-18 |
ANNUAL REPORT | 2018-01-05 |
ANNUAL REPORT | 2017-04-27 |
ANNUAL REPORT | 2016-04-25 |
ANNUAL REPORT | 2015-04-21 |
Date of last update: 02 Jan 2025
Sources: Florida Department of State