Entity Name: | JACKSON AGENCY, INC. |
Jurisdiction: | FLORIDA |
Filing Type: | Domestic Profit |
Status: | Active |
Date Filed: | 13 Jul 1977 (48 years ago) |
Document Number: | 539223 |
FEI/EIN Number | 591749207 |
Address: | 6971 W Sunrise Blvd #206, Sunrise, FL, 33313, US |
Mail Address: | 6971 W Sunrise Blvd, #206, Sunrise, FL, 33313, US |
ZIP code: | 33313 |
County: | Broward |
Place of Formation: | FLORIDA |
Type | Company Name | Company Number | State |
Headquarter of | JACKSON AGENCY, INC., NEW YORK | 6713690 | NEW YORK |
Plan Name | Plan Year | EIN/PN | Received | Sponsor | Total number of participants | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
JACKSON AGENCY INC 401 K PROFIT SHARING PLAN TRUST | 2011 | 591749207 | 2013-07-09 | JACKSON AGENCY INC | 5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Administrator’s EIN | 591749207 |
Plan administrator’s name | JACKSON AGENCY INC |
Plan administrator’s address | 2075 W 76TH ST, HIALEAH, FL, 330161834 |
Administrator’s telephone number | 3058241591 |
Signature of
Role | Plan administrator |
Date | 2013-07-09 |
Name of individual signing | JACKSON AGENCY INC |
Valid signature | Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature |
File | View Page |
Three-digit plan number (PN) | 001 |
Effective date of plan | 2006-01-01 |
Business code | 524210 |
Sponsor’s telephone number | 3058241591 |
Plan sponsor’s address | 2075 W 76 ST, HIALEAH, FL, 330160000 |
Plan administrator’s name and address
Administrator’s EIN | 591749207 |
Plan administrator’s name | JACKSON AGENCY INC |
Plan administrator’s address | 2075 W 76 ST, HIALEAH, FL, 330160000 |
Administrator’s telephone number | 3058241591 |
Signature of
Role | Plan administrator |
Date | 2013-07-09 |
Name of individual signing | JACKSON AGENCY INC |
Valid signature | Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature |
Three-digit plan number (PN) | 001 |
Effective date of plan | 2006-01-01 |
Business code | 524210 |
Sponsor’s telephone number | 3058241591 |
Plan sponsor’s address | 2075 W 76 ST, HIALEAH, FL, 330160000 |
Plan administrator’s name and address
Administrator’s EIN | 591749207 |
Plan administrator’s name | JACKSON AGENCY INC |
Plan administrator’s address | 2075 W 76 ST, HIALEAH, FL, 330160000 |
Administrator’s telephone number | 3058241591 |
Signature of
Role | Plan administrator |
Date | 2010-07-08 |
Name of individual signing | JACKSON AGENCY INC |
Valid signature | Filed with incorrect/unrecognized electronic signature |
File | View Page |
Three-digit plan number (PN) | 001 |
Effective date of plan | 2006-01-01 |
Business code | 524210 |
Sponsor’s telephone number | 3058241591 |
Plan sponsor’s address | 2075 W 76 ST, HIALEAH, FL, 330160000 |
Plan administrator’s name and address
Administrator’s EIN | 591749207 |
Plan administrator’s name | JACKSON AGENCY INC |
Plan administrator’s address | 2075 W 76 ST, HIALEAH, FL, 330160000 |
Administrator’s telephone number | 3058241591 |
Signature of
Role | Plan administrator |
Date | 2010-07-22 |
Name of individual signing | JACKSON AGENCY INC |
Valid signature | Filed with authorized/valid electronic signature |
Name | Role | Address |
JACKSON EDWARD P | Agent | 6971 W Sunrise Blvd, Sunrise, FL, 33313 |
Name | Role | Address |
JACKSON, BARBARA J. | Secretary | 821 Heron Road, WESTON, FL, 33326 |
Name | Role | Address |
JACKSON, EDWARD P. | President | 19151 SW 54 PLACE, FT LAUDERDALE, FL, 33332 |
Registration Number | Fictitious Name | Status | Filed Date | Expiration Date | Cancellation Date | Mailing Address |
G20000138263 | ALLIED RISK PARTNERS CORP | ACTIVE | 2020-10-26 | 2025-12-31 | No data | 6971 W SUNRISE BLVD #206, PLANTATION, FL, 33313 |
Event Type | Filed Date | Value | Description |
REINSTATEMENT | 2011-10-04 | No data | No data |
ADMIN DISSOLUTION FOR ANNUAL REPORT | 2011-09-23 | No data | No data |
CANCEL ADM DISS/REV | 2005-07-28 | No data | No data |
ADMIN DISSOLUTION FOR ANNUAL REPORT | 2004-10-01 | No data | No data |
REINSTATEMENT | 2003-10-21 | No data | No data |
ADMIN DISSOLUTION FOR ANNUAL REPORT | 2003-09-19 | No data | No data |
REINSTATEMENT | 2002-11-01 | No data | No data |
ADMIN DISSOLUTION FOR ANNUAL REPORT | 2002-10-04 | No data | No data |
REINSTATEMENT | 2001-10-17 | No data | No data |
ADMIN DISSOLUTION FOR ANNUAL REPORT | 2001-09-21 | No data | No data |
Date of last update: 01 Feb 2025
Sources: Florida Department of State